Thursday, July 15, 2021

Maybe It's An Office Curse

The Pony has made it two days without an injury! I'm pretty sure somewhere in the post office there's a chalk board with " ____ DAYS WITHOUT AN ACCIDENT." The way things have been going lately, that number in front might be 0.

According to The Pony, he still hasn't heard anything about the dog bite lady. But another gal broke her ankle this week.

"She was over in Between-Town. I've delivered there before. It's not fun. Some houses are on a steep hill, and you have to walk down steps to get to their yard. I don't know how she broke her ankle, but I'm guessing it was one of those houses. So now she's out for a while."

"What did she do, call the supervisor?"

"Duh. Probably an AMBULANCE!"

"I wouldn't call an ambulance for a broken ankle."
"Mom. It's not like she could WALK. She had a broken ankle!"
"Somebody could drive me to the hospital. Maybe the supervisor."

"The policy is, if you're hurt, first call 9-1-1, THEN call the supervisor."

Anyhoo... The Pony overhears bits and pieces of other conversations. One of the newest CCAs was relieved of duties over a possible tampering scandal. ALLEGEDLY. I say it was just not a good fit, and rather than deal with problems down the road, they cut ties early. Although after two weeks of paid training.

THEN The Pony said somebody close to him might be in trouble if speed didn't increase. Not sure where he heard this one, if it was from the horse's mouth or idle chatter. Anyhoo... the consensus was that nobody wants to lose this person after probation time, because that would mean training somebody else new, which would be coming right at the time holiday deliveries kicked in.

One thing seems certain. As long as The Pony can remain healthy, and pass his probationary period... he will have no shortage of hours through the end of the year.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Through the end of the year? is this a job only until 2022 begins? If so, what is The Pony going to do after that?

Let's see how many days can pass until his next calamity...

River said...

As long as The Pony takes care on steps, hills and rutted roads, I think he'll be set for life in a job he enjoys.

Hillbilly Mom said...

The Pony is not guaranteed any certain hours. The CCA is AS NEEDED. They are needed quite a lot at this post office. Especially through the holiday season. After two years as a CCA, he can become a regular carrier, with a pay raise and better benefits. This office has been running short-staffed for a couple years at least.

As far as the calamity, I call you THE JINXER... the time stamp on your comment will be Exhibit A.

I'm going to go out on a limb here, smug with extra insider knowledge, and say you're not clairvoyant.