Saturday, July 24, 2021

We Ain't Havin' A Ball

 Here's a picture of The Ball That Held The Wings, for all you inquiring minds.

The pointy end is on the top. It got squooshed in the trash, because who would NOT try to compact that ball to take up less room? I tried to pop it back into shape, even opening the lid, but there was still a bunch of clingy garlic ranch sauce in there. I might pick through the trash for my loyal readers, to unearth this relic, but I draw the line at actually touching leftover sauce.

In other news, we're not having a ball this weekend.


He called the Kansas City regional office himself, where a lady named for a part of the female anatomy told him that oh, yes, she remembered his claim, it was held up because of a missing form.

"That form was emailed to you on Wednesday afternoon!"

After a short time on muzak hold, The Pony was told that if they found it, they would put it in. He asked for a phone call or email for confirmation when it was, and she said, "If we remember."

As you might guess, nobody called. The Pony notified his supervisor and union rep, who said to keep them updated. The Pony decided to file that form himself, online (which the union rep had told him about) around 1:30. By 2:00, The Lady Named For a Part of the Female Anatomy called and told him it was kicked out, because she found his form, but it was not signed by the supervisor who took the info the night of the ankle-breaking, then went on vacation the next day.

SIGH... so the acting supervisor was out of the office, but said she'd look it over when she got back. Somehow this albatross took flight at 3:30 p.m. The Pony got a voice mail from The Lady Named For a Part of the Female Anatomy, and a case number. 

He called Urgent Care with that info, knowing that it would be impossible for them to schedule an appointment that late on a Friday. The gal there told him that "The Lady Named For a Part of the Female Anatomy said to send her all your info, and she would schedule an appointment with an orthopedic specialist."

So now it's hurry up and wait some more, until Monday morning. At which time Farmer H will be home, and there might be an avalanche of rolling heads if he takes it upon himself to get The Pony to a bone doctor. 

The Pony got the name of the doctor that the other ankle-breaker used. He's local, and a podiatrist working out of the hospital clinic. The Pony is going to call The Lady Named For a Part of the Female Anatomy, and tell her he's going to this doctor, unless she's already made an appointment. And maybe anyway, even if she has. Farmer H knows this guy, and says he's pretty sure they'll take The Pony as a WALK IN patient on Monday. 

The Pony objects to being called a WALK IN patient.


Sioux Roslawski said...

You need to get all your followers on this. We will yell and scream and rant until The Pony gets treated.

This is NOT how our mail carriers should be treated.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I don't want to put it out there too far, since The Pony really likes this job, and is still in the probationary period. We know how employers don't like these claims, and could use it against The Pony. The gal who broke her ankle three days before The Pony had no problems. The Pony's ankle was in the wrong place at the wrong time! Everything that COULD go wrong HAS gone wrong.

River said...

IF? she remembers??? Holy cucumbers! What is wrong with those people? This is extremely shameful treatment and if that broken bone got infected The Pony could take them all to court. I applaud him going to the local doctor instead and the idea of heads rolling when Hicks hears about it all.
That ball looks like it might be a Darth Vader Helmet with a few modifications. It also looks like recyclable plastic so should be rinsed out clean and put in with your recyclables.

Hillbilly Mom said...

What is wrong is that The Pony works for a GOVERNMENT AGENCY! That is common employee behavior. Not for his acting supervisor, who simply hasn't been trained in what to do, as she is a regular carrier herself, who steps in when the paid supervisor is away. But the KC lady is definitely well-versed in the behavior of bureau employees.

Farmer H has said that they're going to fool around too long, and after he's done with them, The Pony won't need a job, as he'll have a cushy cash settlement to live on! The Pony only wants a career with them. Not a settlement. However, if this affects his ankle for life, there's going to be a battle. We're hoping it's healing properly, and won't need any surgery for not being properly immobilized within 3 days like the other broken ankle carrier.

Thank you for the recycle-shaming, but we have never had recycling out here. The town trash routes also did away with their recycling pickups and bins, since it was apparently not cost-effective for them. I think driving this one BALL to the city to a recycle center might use up so much gas as to negate the value of recycling! The only thing around here that gets recycled is aluminum and scrap metal, through the junk dealers.

River said...

You could ask Hick to build you a recycle bin, similar to garden compost bins built from wood, then toss all your recyclables in there until you have enough for a worthwhile trip to town? although probably not worth the effort for plastics.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Recycle bin? Let's not forget Farmer H throws all that kind of stuff in the back of a pickup truck over by the BARn. And it's not just a 5-mile/10-minute drive to TOWN. It would be 60 miles to the city limits of THE CITY, and then to wherever their closest recycle center would be. More resources used to get it there than to benefit from recycling.