Wednesday, April 13, 2022

A Funny Thing Happened During The Return Of The Pony

Never a dull moment when The Pony is present. When he returned to the Mansion for his soaps and razors (and a shower, since he was already here, with all his beauty paraphernalia available), we had a bit of excitement.
The Pony arrived between 9:00 and 9:30. He was soon in the shower, making himself more presentable. Afterwards, he packed up some things from his room, and from Genius's room, where he'd kept some hanging clothes.
It was between 10:30 and 11:00 when I was sitting on the short couch watching reruns of The Middle on the FF network, and The Pony was standing by the railing around the 13 rail-less basement steps chatting with me. 
The Pony is always manipulating something. I think the Fidget Spinner was made just for the likes of him, even though he never had one. Anyhoo... this time he was holding a short rod of some kind, with about a dozen plastic hangers hanging on it. He was shuffling those hangers around mindlessly while talking.
"I'm going to load up my stuff and go to Walmart before I go back home. I think I'll text Dad to see if he wants to go for lunch. I think he likes it when I do that."
"Yes. He does like that. I'm going to miss you SO MUCH! I kept thinking about you all night."
"What was THAT?"
"I don't know. It was definitely in the bathroom! I thought you got your stuff out."
"I DID. I'll go look. Oh. It was a shampoo bottle. Not even one near where I took my stuff. I didn't touch this one."
"Huh. Sounds like SOMETHING wants you to stay..."
Yeah. Can't explain that. It had been at least 15-30 minutes since The Pony had been in the bathroom. That night, while again sitting on the short couch, I heard something fall over in the kitchen. Never found anything out of place.


River said...

Perhaps you should sprinkle flour on your counter and write a message. In the morning f there is a reply, you'll know there's a ghost. Then you can ask what the heck they think they're doing knocking over shampoo bottles.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

That poltergeist is persistent!

Hillbilly Mom said...

NO NO NO! I would never encourage interaction! Nor would I ever call out, "Who's there?" Or ask if anybody wants to reveal their presence by making a noise. Nope! Not this ol' gal!

You ain't a-woofin'!