Saturday, April 9, 2022

The Pony Forsakes The Mansion For Greener Pastures

He's leaving. He's really leaving! The Pony is moving out of the Mansion, and into Pony House. For the past two days, he's loaded up boxes into his Rogue. The furniture has been delivered. The water bill transferred to his name. On Saturday evening, the internet installer is coming. I'm pretty sure The Pony says his new internet will be 4000 times faster than mine.
I could hardly sleep Thursday night, thinking that it might be the last "normal" night that The Pony was snoozing under my (meaning FARMER H's) roof. Indeed. He told me Friday evening that he'd probably be back Saturday night, unless the internet installation took a long time. But that his plan was to be moved out Sunday, to begin living his life on his own in Pony House.

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That's a moment of blog silence while I tear up and sniffle. It's so hard to lose The Pony again. I was thrilled to have him back, safe and sound, when the OU campus shut down after the 2020 spring break, during THE VIRUS, robbing The Pony and his cronies of goodbyes and graduation. Such a relief not to worry about him being 9 hours away.

Now I can worry about him being 20 minutes away...


Kathy's Klothesline said...

I felt a little sad when Adrienne left for the last time, having violated my one time return policy the other children had to live by. We clashed, mother and daughter, both strong-willed. I have always gotten along better with my son. But she was the baby and it made me realize I was moving into a brand-new phase of life. I raised 6 children and it would appear that I have replaced them all with animals and a turtle.

Sioux Roslawski said...

I have missed a lot this week. I went back and read your multi-parter post. Now, I shed a tear with you.

It'll be just you and Farmer H...

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes. You don't want them to live there the rest of their life, but you hate to see them leave! I just have the two dogs, which I suppose represent the two boys...

That is the saddest thing of all, still having FARMER H underfoot!

River said...

I bowed my head for your moment of silence and hoped you would soon be used to having only Farmer H and the dogs again.
Internet 4000 times faster? if that truly happens I would be so envious. Although it wouldn't help me read any faster.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Thank you. Severe weather is in the forecast for Sunday night, and this is the first night The Pony will be spending in Pony House. So worrying has started early.

I asked about the '4000X' and The Pony reaffirmed the statement. If only I could TYPE that much faster, heh, heh!