Wednesday, May 11, 2022

It's Like They Never Go Shopping For Their Own Food

I don't know how so many of the Country Mart cashiers can be so clueless about the bagging of groceries! Only ONE has bagged my food in the manner I would have done it myself. I complimented him on his bagging skills. And the next day, he asked me how I was doing, on his way behind the service desk, as I was at the right-side lottery machine.

The older gal who checked me out on Tuesday was friendly and polite, but she lost her freakin' mind when time to bag. I only had four items: a clear plastic 2-lb container of giant strawberries, eight bananas that weighed 3.89 lb, a clear plastic container containing a roast beef sandwich, and a loaf of Bunny Bread.

OGC (Older Gal Checker) put my bananas in a large plastic bag, then deposited the 2-lb container of strawberries on top. Then hefted that 6-lb (almost) bag across the counter to me. She put my sandwich in another bag, with the bread on top.


Nobody wants to carry a 6-lb (almost) bag and a 1-lb bag. Balance them out! But even worse, nobody wants their bananas gouged and bruised by the corners of a 2-lb plastic box of strawberries!

When I got to the car, I took those strawberries out. I put the loaf of bread on top of the bananas. So soft and forgiving of their fragile peels. Then I put the strawberry box in the bottom of the other bag, and the smaller rectangular clear plastic box containing my roast beef sandwich on top of it. They were quite stackable. And both COLD from their respective departments.

Was that so hard? I think not.

I guess most of those Country Mart checkers have one really muscular arm from carrying heavy bags, and think bananas are supposed to be bruised when you get them home.


River said...

You should start being that annoying lady who stands there and tells them what to pack in which bag. when I'm being checked out (that sounds wrong) I watch the packers and tell them to lay down any tall thin items like bottles of sauce or cartons of milk, then smaller things can be packed on top instead of down the side where they might get squashed if the bottles tip over. I know from experience that everything packs and fits better when big things are laid down in the bottom. If I have really heavy things I ask for cartons of milk to be packed on top of them not under, but still laying down to fit better. They don't leak unless you somehow crush them.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I SHOULD. But I don't speak up a lot. I put my items on the conveyor so they're in order to be bagged to my satisfaction. The cold with cold, the like shapes with like shapes. The flat heavy strawberry box beside the sandwich box. It's like some of them go out of their way to reach to and fro, combining items all willy-nilly.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

River described me!! I am that annoying customer who tells them how to bag!! I will hold everyone up as I re-bag them correctly and act like I am being filmed as I instruct all the people nearby about the virtues of bagging correctly. Should I have been an actress or a teacher? I say things like, "you know I put all the frozen items together on the belt because they will keep each other cold on my long trip home." I do it all in a cheerful voice so as not to be offensive. I know they talk about me when I leave!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Heh, heh! I would love to be next in line and see your PERFORMANCE!