Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Sweet Gummi Mary, I Did It Again!

Well. You're in for a treat. I was in for a better treat! Here. I'll share:
Yep! ANOTHER 'WIN ALL' symbol, for the second day in a row! This time I had treated myself to a $10 ticket. In fact, I had the urge to drive all the way to the Sis-Town Casey's to get this ticket. Glad I DID!

It was another $100 WINNER! I've been having a sweet streak of luck lately.

I'd like to think it will continue, but I know from experience that it won't!


Sioux Roslawski said...

Yeah, you're such an altruist. You're all about giving. You're retired, so you probably spend all the leisure moments thinking how you can be the ultimate giver. My scratchers NEVER EVER win...

...but I suppose I should buy some scratchers, and perhaps I could enjoy some winnings?

River said...

I'm grumpy, so I will just whisper congratulations, very softly.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I'm tellin' ya, it's a full-time job figuring out how to GIVE SO MUCH OF MYSELF ON A DAILY BASIS!!!

I think you might improve your odds slightly if you actually buy a ticket. Then again, you and Farmer H seem to have the same kind of luck at this lottery business: BAD.

Congrats accepted. It might brighten your mood to consider how you are free as a bird, and I AM STILL HERE IN THE MANSION WITH FARMER H, who had the audacity to complain about the PICKLE I sliced for him tonight!