Saturday, May 7, 2022

Mrs. HM, The Efficiency Expert

For the past two nights, we've had torrential downpours. Sometimes thunder. It starts around 2:00 a.m., occasionally interrupting my TV reception! By 8:00 a.m., it's over. But the water is still there, to be dealt with. As in taking an alternate route to town, due to water over the bridge.

I'm so happy that our routine was disrupted many years ago, so the county roads department could tear out the low-water bridge down by Mailbox Row, and put in a better bridge. Wider. Higher above the creek. Now we don't have to take an alternate alternate route, way up to the highway and back down to town. Even if the creek comes out of its banks, and floods our gravel road, that bridge is still passable. IF you can get down the gravel road to it.

So for two days, I have turned LEFT when I get to Mailbox Row. Rather than RIGHT, to go up over the hill where Farmer H put SilverRedO in a ditch on the morning he was supposed to pick me up from my Unfortunate HospitVALzation.

I parked on the bridge and took a picture on my way to town Thursday:

Look! We have whitecaps! Also, a tree about to topple into the brink in the next few floods. If a tree falls into a creek and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound?

The creek has been way higher than this. It was nowhere near leaking out onto the gravel road. But it DID rise to about 4 feet over the other low-water bridge. Farmer H took a picture there, but didn't send it to me.

You want to know the best thing about MY picture? IT ONLY TOOK 5 SECONDS! That's right. I sat in T-Hoe, put down the window, and snapped that photo. I did NOT have to set up a tiny tripod on alternate sides of the bridge, nor wander around for over an hour. AND I wore my regular town clothes, and not jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black leather vest. 

Maybe I could give photography lessons to select CREACHERS...


River said...

I wonder now if that Creacher was photographing water levels and the bridge and reporting back to whoever he reports to regarding roads and bridges and water.
I like your photo a lot.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Thank you for appreciating my photo. The leather-vest motorcycle-riding CREACHER was definitely not a road department employee. Though his lollygagging behavior would be akin to such a worker, taking over an hour to snap a photo...

Kathy's Klothesline said...

My creek was raging after all the rain we had, and some trees went down, as well. The ravine is getting hairy looking with all the grass and weeds overgrown. We finally hired someone to weed eat tomorrow. HeWho cannot maintain enogh balance to do this!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I could hear our behind-the-Mansion section of the creek raging when I stepped out on the porch. You can't see it from here, and normally it is silent. You don't want HeWho to slip in and be washed away!