Saturday, September 2, 2023

Grrr, Interrupted

Mrs. HM has been in a murderous mindset for the past few days.

Farmer H let a fly into the Mansion while carrying in groceries. I don't know how he does it. I can leave that door open while setting my purse down, and getting treats for the dogs, and no insect dares invade my abode. But let Farmer H leave that door open one time, and there it is. Actually, he did it two times. And we had two flies.

I dispatched the second fly fairly easily. I was standing by the kitchen sink when it landed on a paper plate I re-use for my morning fake Honey Nut Cheerios. I grabbed the flyswatter that hangs off a hook built into the metal frame that holds the cutting block.


Direct hit! I stunned him, since he was not on the flat part of the plate, but on the edge. Finished him off with a Puffs With Lotion, squeezing him into a leggy pulp full of creepy fly-eyes. Of course that was the end of my plate! Had to get another one for the next morning.

The first fly proves more problematic. It has more energy. And I swear it FOLLOWS ME! Spends the evenings buzzing around the kitchen, then comes to the living room overnight and darts between me and the TV. Yesterday morning, I was perched upon the throne, only to see it swoop into my vision, making me realize that it had gotten into the bathroom before I closed the door! Not long ago, it dive-bombed my right cheek (the face kind, you ninny, we're out of the bathroom now). I hate a buzzing darting fly!

I even have the flyswatter beside me at the ready while typing on HIPPIE. I had a good chance at a kill, when I saw that fly sitting on the edge of the counter by the sink. It's only about an inch wide. That fly was so still. Not even rubbing his front leg-hands together in glee. Just watching me, I think. I picked up the flyswatter and took my shot. No hesitation. 

Unfortunately, the flappy part of the flyswatter, the killing surface, was blocked by the raised edge of the sink. Mr. Fly got away, and had the nerve to buzz right at me! What kind of psycho fly does THAT? They usually dart away, happy to be alive.

I am highly irritated by this irksome critter. Almost had him. My quest continues.


Rae said...

You can imagine how much excitement it is at our house if any fly is unfortunate enough to enter with 4 cats ready to play. 3 of the 4 are very aware the minute there is a fly or similar bug in the vicinity. If it's a spider, they draw our attention to it and it is given the same treatment with the tissue(s), as needed. Flying critters are much more entertaining and despite the cats' desire to catch said critter, they are very careful and methodical with their approach. They are not wreck less and do not knock things off the table or fireplace mantle. Yes, they go to high ground, as far as the fly leads them, until it is out of reach. But never out of the glare of the eye(s) of our cats. My husband is taller, and he can reach these nefarious beasts, whereas I sometimes have to just let it be as we have high ceilings, and they seem to know they are out of my and the cat's reach. Ranee (MN)

Hillbilly Mom said...

Flies are wily beasts! Their eyes outnumber your household peepers by a ratio of 6000 to 12. So they have that advantage, as well as the whole FLIGHT thing!

River said...

Any fly daring to enter my home gets a good squirt of insecticide, right after I cover the cat food bowls and anyhting I might be eating. I'm not fast enough with the fly swatter these days. Flies are a rare occurrence here though.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I cannot sleep if a fly is in the house. I will launch a full on attack as I follow it from room to room with Toni Louise at my side trying to leap high enough to bite it. She has caught a few with this method and I suppose she swallow them. That makes my gag reflex activate!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I save the insecticide for my once-a-year ants. I still wield a mean swatter! Even though our neighbors have gotten rid of their horses, we still have plenty of flies.

My Dear Departed Juno used to snap at flies on the porch. Just doing her share to cut down on my murder rate!