Saturday, September 30, 2023

The Josher Behind Me

What in the actual Not-Heaven is wrong with people? And by "people," I mean late-middle-aged men. Can they not contain themselves until it is their actual turn in a convenience store line? MUST they start with the witty (in their mind) repartee during someone else's turn? Mainly, during Mrs. HM's turn?

Sweet Gummi Mary! Thursday, the guy behind me at the Gas Station Chicken Store turned to the old cane lady behind him, holding his phone, saying, "What is this REDACTED thing?" Mentioning the name of a certain LIST that is advertised on TV.

The Old Cane Lady replied, "It's a list to get people to do work for you."

Heh, heh! She didn't make the connection that my favorite cashier's name is the same as the name of the list. Joshing Man continued, saying how difficult it was to find such a person to do actual work. And then referring to the cashier as "Ethel" and "George" and other random names, calling out to her about what kind of work she knew how to do.

As for Joshing Man, I don't begrudge a josher, but WAIT YOUR FREAKIN' TURN! He had the cashier all discombobulated, trying to be polite and respond to him. It just slowed things down. Namely, MY turn at the counter.

Then there was Old Cane Lady, who made me feel bad because I was parked in the handicap spot. Then again, her husband had pulled up in the nearest lane, by the gas pumps, right outside the door, putting her 3x closer to the door than I was. Plus, she had a CANE! So I doubt she was in any more discomfort than I was.

Anyhoo... these guys who fancy themselves to be such comedians need to limit their repartee to the time they are actually the customer at the counter, and stop interfering with other people's turns.

They are NOT The Universe's gift to women, nor to comedy.


River said...

As an ex checker I remember that sort of thing which didn't happen too often in a big supermarket, but was annoying. Far better were the days when someone waiting in line would say something funny and an entire conversation would spring up with everyone in line participating, sometimes even myself.

Hillbilly Mom said...

It's fine if he's doing it on his own turn, and not taking too long. The people behind him can join in. But it's annoying for him to do it on someone else's turn, risking an improper ring-up from the distraction.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I like the ones who call all the ladies "you pretty thing" when they attempt to flirt. I like to join the conversation, uninvited and ask what "thing" he is referring to. Then ask if he had a serious blow to his head in his formative years, just for my own amusement.

Hillbilly Mom said...

They just make my skin crawl, and I try to avoid any interaction, unless it's with other women standing there, in which we cut eyes at each other, but stop short of wielding the Crazy Temple Twirly Finger.