Saturday, September 16, 2023

The Pony Is Not A Grudge-Holder

Apparently, The Pony bears Farmer H no ill will on the washing of his brushes, post-house-painting. He has asked Farmer H to assist him with a project on Saturday after work. He's buying a desk to put in his living room, with the plan of getting a desktop computer. The desk is a great bargain, around 50% off. 

The plan is for Farmer H to meet The Pony at Pony House on Saturday evening after The Pony gets back home from his route in Bill-Paying Town. Then Farmer H will drive him back to Bill-Paying Town, and load the boxed desk into the back of SilverRedO. Yes, Farmer H will already be in Bill-Paying Town, at his SUS2, but will drive over to Sis-Town to pick up The Pony. That's because even though The Pony has a route in Bill-Paying Town, he can't go to pick up his desk before driving back to Sis-Town and the main post office to clock out.

Anyhoo... Farmer H does not begrudge The Pony this inconvenience and gas consumption. They will be going to supper before driving the desk home. Probably on the dime of Farmer H. The assembly of the desk will wait until mid-week, when The Pony is off again. It will be a good project for them. The Pony is good with getting a desktop computer set up, but not so good with mechanically assembling the desk. A task Genius could whiz through, having Farmer H's mechanical aptitude. Along with my grudge-holding capabilities.

The Pony got Farmer H's forgiving nature, and my writing creativity. Life is a trade-off sometimes.


River said...

Perhaps in time The Pony might learn to assemble stuff. "no-one" puts all sorts of stuff together, while I prefer to buy things already assembled.
Will we see pictures?

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I like to pet my grudges and watch them grow! Funny how our offspring seem to pick and choose which traits they like the best from their parents.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I will ask The Pony for a picture when the desk is assembled. They are supposed to do it Tuesday, his day off, and probably after Farmer H has his Senior Center lunch. I used to put together my own furniture back in my younger days. Quite a sense of accomplishment when done!

Heh, heh! Genius probably has a whole menagerie of grudges, but at least he has the ability to build enclosures for each, should he so desire.