Monday, September 4, 2023

Seriously! Is It Too Much To Ask For A Job To Be Done Right?

I think we know the answer already. Yes. It IS too much to ask. Expecting a paid worker to carry out job duties adequately is sure to make that worker feel put-upon!

Farmer H picked up Chinese food on the way home from his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2) on Saturday evening. As with many things Farmer H does, he made a little mistake. He was supposed to get himself Hunan Chicken with fried rice and eggroll. Get me Garlic Chicken with fried rice and crab rangoon. And an order of crab rangoon, which consists of eight. When he got home, he said

"I think I messed up. I asked for TWO orders of crab rangoon."

"Yeah. We only get one. But that's okay. They have the best ones around here."

Well. Farmer H started unpacking the bag, to eat his right away, and he couldn't find his eggroll. Nor did he find the little packet that would have held my two crab rangoon that came with the dinner special. I looked through both of the larger bags of crab rangoon, in case they had, perhaps, tried to save the environment by using less waxed paper. Nope. Only the eight-per-order crab rangoon in each bag.

I told Farmer H that after he was done eating, he should call and complain. He said no, that would do no good. Well. It would have satisfied ME. Just to chastise them!

He says he'll tell them next time he goes. Like they're going to believe him. I have the receipt. But this place only gives you the TOTAL. Doesn't even list what you're paying for. None of the order. Just the total and method of payment.

I'm pretty sure neither of us will get any satisfaction from Farmer H's next-time complaint. I sure hope the workers enjoyed feasting on our eggroll and two crab rangoons...


River said...

This is why you check the order as it is handed to you not when you get home and find half of it missing. It's why drive-throughs are not good enough and I would always go inside to order and then check what they hand me.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Farmer H did not use the drive-thru. That's too long to wait in a hot car for Chinese food. He always goes inside to order, then picks it up at the counter. Silly him, for actually trusting a person to do their job they are paid to do! Rather than standing at the counter, ripping open the paper bag that is stapled on the top, setting everything out, then trying to put it back in. Come to think of it, he might as well have gone back to the kitchen and cooked it himself, then paid them for that privilege.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I know what you mean about that useless receipt! And now I am craving Chinese! The Patient is still not healed enough to wear regular pants or I would happily take him out to eat! I am not the picker-upper of take out. Too much stuff in the fridge waiting to be cooked here.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Those receipts make me think they are shady, even though we've never had a problem there before.