Thursday, September 28, 2023

The LoudTalker

Farmer H has had a guy out here "helping" him. Not that Farmer H is here to receive the help. It's a guy he met at his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2), and he's trading him junk in lieu of payment. The Guy is supposed to clean up some of the piles and barrels of junk Farmer H has accumulated over on Shackytown Boulevard. Also, to transport a pile of bricks that used to be a road behind my $17,000 house, from a pile near the BARn over to the carport area, and finish the sidewalk Farmer H started many years ago.

There are other duties on which I'm not too clear. I think trimming the big cedar tree by the driveway was one. Moving some gravel around. I just know it involves driving one of the tractors and making lots of noise. As payment, The Guy gets the junk. He has burn pile privileges to melt it down before taking it to the junk man. According to Farmer H, there are several hundred dollars to be had.

The Guy works on his own timetable. Sometimes Farmer H checks in with him. Sometimes he's home mowing the yard/field while The Guy is working. But he pretty much comes and goes as he pleases.

As you might surmise, this is annoying to me. I don't like people here. The Guy never knocks or asks for anything. The dogs bark their fool heads off, but accept him, since they met him the first time while Farmer H was home.

Wednesday morning, The Guy was walking back and forth across the front yard. I suppose he needed something from the carport area. And then had to go back to check on his burn pile. Then he drove the tractor over and scraped around some. Then I saw his truck drive across the front yard. Not too big a deal, since Farmer H drives through the front yard. However...

The Guy stopped right in front of the house. THEN he got out of his truck, and proceeded to talk loudly on his phone for 15 minutes, all while the dogs barked their fool heads off. Making it hard for me to hear my reruns of Who Wants To Be a Millionaire.

Sweet Gummi Mary! You can't tell me that the only place to get phone reception is right in front of my living room from 10:00 to 10:15 a.m., while standing outside a truck.

I know that Farmer H makes phone calls from the end of the driveway. From the BARn field. From Shackytown Boulevard. No idea what was going on here. I asked Farmer H when he got home, and he shrugged it off. "Maybe he was talking to his son. I don't know." No excuse for the location.

It just hit me... Maybe Farmer H is trying to kill me by stressing me out!


River said...

It does seem a little rude to be talking loudly right in front of your house.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yeah. He usually parks over by the BARn. I see him walking across the yard with the dogs yapping, or driving the tractor over to thump around. But I've never heard him talking. At first I thought maybe he was calling Farmer H about some instructions, but Farmer H was at that very moment at a doctor appointment, and denied it was him when he got home. Even if The Guy had gotten a phone call while driving over there, why get out in front of the house? He does no work in that area. It's all over by the driveway, or over by the BARn.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Did he know you were inside? I don't like people hanging around my place, either. A good reason to move away from a campground! There was this one time when a man decided to have a smoke on the porch of the residential side of the office building. He was right next to the open window of the second bedroom. HeWho was sleeping, but the smell of the nasty cigarette was bothering me. So, I crept quietly into the room and positioned myself next to the window where I could see him, but he couldn't see me and then I proceeded to outplay Meg Ryan in the restaurant scene. I moaned and carried on for at least 10 minutes and the man just sat there with his cigarette and a grin on his face ..... until HeWho walked into the room and asked what I was doing. The man jumped out of his seat and walked away very quickly and I collapsed into hysterical laughing while trying to explain what I was doing to HeWho as he stood there looking confused. I wonder if the man thought the question was for him ...

Hillbilly Mom said...

I would think Farmer H had told him I was home, but maybe not. I was never out when he was here, and T-Hoe was closed up in the garage, so he couldn't judge if I was home by that. I only ever saw him a couple times over by the burn pile when I was going to town. So he wouldn't know it was me in T-Hoe.

Heh, heh! You got a chance to practice your thespianism!