Sunday, September 24, 2023

The Pony Has A [Sort Of] Leg To Stand On

I think I mentioned that The Pony has decided to get a desktop computer, and that he purchased a desk for half price. Farmer H went with him to pick it up. Said it was a good thing, because one person could not have loaded that desk. Which came in a box.

Anyhoo... near midnight on Friday, The Pony sent me a text:

"I have one leg of the desk together."

"Three to go."

"Not exactly. By leg I mean the right lower part."

"I will never consult you for surgery!"

"Sans drawers."

"Baby steps."

"Next step says to have two adults."

"Why? Will it go rogue and attack?"

"No. But it might try to run away."

That must be the drawing on the box. Even with its skewed perspective, this is above the artistic abilities of my former Pictionary partner, The Pony. Not sure why it needs two adults. What is it made of, lead? 

Anyhoo... Farmer H will be stopping by to help put that desk together on Sunday after he's finished at his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2). Hopefully The Pony will send me a picture of the finished product.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

Half price! Good for him. I hate to assemble furniture, so good for him. I bet he is using the enclosed instructions. I find them useful, even if The Patient would rather put things together his own way and always has "extra" parts. I never have extra parts. My stuff usually stays sturdy and useful, while his seems to come apart. I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest it could be those "extra" parts that would have held it together.

Hillbilly Mom said...

The Master Bosser will arrive this afternoon. I hope he doesn't make The Pony take apart what he has done! Is it just me, or does that top right corner look like the two pieces are not flush?

Of course instructions are only followed by The Pony. In fact, Farmer H will most likely have to make a quick reference, and declare that the instructions are WRONG!

Heh, heh! I'm sure you collect those "extra" parts to use in future projects.

River said...

I'd hire two people and an exytra as a spare to take over when one collapses from all the swearing that goes on when (Ikea) stuff gets ut together. I just hope the completed desk isn't as skewed as the picture.
I have ordered something from Ikea and it should be delivered tomorrow, the unopened box will live under my table until the next time my brother visits and puts it together for me. it will be a nice footrest for a few months.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Heh, heh! Sounds like you have a good plan. The Pony's desk is finished, and pictures are up. Looks better than the drawing!