Friday, September 15, 2023

The Pony's House Is DONE! Kind Of...

The Pony sent me a picture of his last painted wall. Since Farmer H forgot that part.

You can see why The Pony might have been apprehensive about paint staining his sink. It's kind of a dramatic color. I think it looks good on the outside of the house, though.

Yes, that's the giant pecan tree that finally got taken down. Not sure how long Farmer H plans to wait on the people who said they wanted that wood! I think it's time to get rid of it. But at least it's on the ground, and not waiting to crush The Pony's house in a storm! I guess if he waits long enough, vines will cover it, making a mysterious yard ornament!

The garage still needs paint or siding, but that's not a pressing concern. The Pony has other things to spend his money on. 


Kathy's Klothesline said...

I like it! Very distinct color, so if he needs to give directions to his house, it should be quite easy! The tree needs to go. Put it on Marketplace for free. That should get someone interested. Just say that the removal is up to the person who wants it and the first one to get it is the winner!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I didn't think I'd like the color until I saw it on the house. Now I really like it. As much as the audience liked Sally Field at the Oscars!

Yes, the surest way to get somebody to remove that tree is to make them think somebody else might beat them to FREE WOOD.

River said...

I like it, it's a great colour and it's nice to have the house finally finished.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, it turned out much better than I anticipated. Not sure of the garage plans, whether it will stay basic white, or get the blue treatment. That's probably a project for next summer. Right now Farmer H has some equipment for the flip house stored in it. The flip house is less than a mile away. I don't know if The Pony will ever park his car in that garage, since he has a driveway only a few steps from his back door. Maybe in winter to prevent scraping the windshield.