Monday, July 25, 2022

A Tree Grows In Ponyland

Remember that pecan tree growing beside Pony House, that cost $3250 to cut down and move? And then the tree-trimmer guy left Farmer H holding the bag for the final trunk?

You might THINK it's gone... but you have no idea how much that pecan tree wants to live!

The Pony sent us a picture a couple weeks ago.

A seedling is growing out of the splintered trunk. The Pony wasn't sure it's an actual pecan tree, but it's definitely a tree. Of course Farmer H declares it's not.

"I was over there mowing grass, and some of the clippings must have blown on the trunk."

Yeah. I know. That is NOT grass.


Sioux Roslawski said...

That was a good-sized pecan tree. Would firewood people be interested in the "free" wood?

You could put a sign out in his yard: Hard Wood.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I'm pretty sure, Madam, that The Pony does not want a HARD WOOD sign in his yard. Some of that big tree might already have been chopped up and carted away. I need to pay attention when I go by there on Thursday. That trunk is an old picture.

Farmer H had people asking for the wood, to build shelves and furniture, and others for the fire fuel. It is just the NEW SPROUT that could turn into another giant tree that has me concerned.

River said...

Definitely NOT grass. I say let it grow and when it gets to a height where The Pony can easily pick the pecans, then lop off the main trunk at that height. Then the side branches just need to be kept to a reasonable length and he has himself a mini tree. People here do it all the time with fig trees, almond trees, apples and citrus fruits even. All kinds of trees.

Hillbilly Mom said...

It sounds good in theory, though The Pony would have to play lumberjack to lop off the top of the tree. He's not really good with tools... even a spatula is a problem.

River said...

He doesn't have to do it himself, there are people who could cut the "leader" when it gets to about six feet.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

A baby tree for sure. I would come rescue it if I were closer!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Sure. The Pony needs SOMETHING to spend his money on! Might as well hire a tree-trimmer guy. He's getting such a deal on this house, lives less than a mile from work (so no gas to speak of), and has no time to spend his earnings, so he's looking to start investing.

You would take such good care of it, that little tree would thrive. You'd have pecans falling on your roof in no time.