Thursday, July 21, 2022

Is The Epoch Of Pretty-Sure-ness Giving Way To The Era Of Certainty?

Perhaps you recall that I've been pretty sure Farmer H is trying to kill me. Numerous times. But tonight, at 10:30 as I type this, I'm almost certain.
Farmer H left at 4:30 to attend a play at the local junior college. It was Beauty and the Beast, and one of The Veteran's young daughters was a cast member. Farmer H thought it started at 5:30, and wanted to get there early. Which is what he'd been told by The Veteran.
Turns out the play didn't start until 7:00! So there was Farmer H, having skipped supper because he said he'd eat when he got home. At 8:20, he said the third act had just ended, and there was one left to go! He said he'd pick up something to eat on the way home.
I was a bit concerned, because Farmer H should not be skipping meals, and should make better plans to take his medication on a more regular schedule. By 10:20, I was wondering where in the Not-Heaven he was! Were the curtain calls taking a long time? Was he having a 7-course meal? Then I heard the dogs barking to announce his arrival.
"Where have you been?"
"That last act didn't start until 8:40! And the whole thing wasn't over until 9:30!"
That didn't really explain it, because it's only a 15 minute drive. But I guess maybe there was a crowd, and traffic took a while to clear on their mile of exit road, and then there's a stoplight to contend with to get on the highway, and some construction that entails a detour.
"What did you have for supper?"

"Taco Bell."

If you don't see any updates, you'll know that I was killed overnight by Farmer H's butt, thanks to his accomplice, Taco Bell.

It's going to be worse than Genius and the White Castles...


Sioux Roslawski said...

Methane. It just makes you stronger...

River said...

Occasions like this is when Farmer H should be carrying a bag of diabetes approved snack foods, perhaps crackers and cheese cubes or whatever he can have when he misses a meal. If I don't see a post from you tomorrow, I'll know the Taco Bell got you.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

If I ate Taco Bell that late at night, I doubt I could have slept at all!! I suppose he wasn't bothered by indigestion, just aromatics?

Hillbilly Mom said...

Assuming it doesn't KILL ME!

I totally agree. He needs some little packs of peanut butter crackers, or some nuts, or maybe some Slim Jim beef sticks. Then again, we all know that Farmer H won't do this, being the kind of person who eats 2 or 3 CASEY'S DONUTS every morning in secret. He is extremely non-compliant about doing what's best for his health.

I survived the Taco Bell butt gas from Farmer H. Hey! That might be a good T-shirt slogan for sale on the counter at my proposed handbasket factory and the Shackytown Roadside Attraction and Amusement Park.

Farmer H did not mention any indigestion. And surely you don't think he'd be inconvenienced by his own aromatics!