Thursday, July 7, 2022

Wastin' Away Again In PaperPlaterVille

Farmer H thinks I am stupid. At least he thinks he can outsmart me. He cannot. He is not a good liar. He hesitates. He can't come up with an excuse fast enough. Like the paper plate issue on Wednesday evening.

Farmer H always uses the GOOD paper plates. Yes. There is such a thing. Poor Pony. When I told him to set the table with the GOOD plates for our 4th-0f-July Steakfest, he brought the good PAPER plates! Heh, heh. I guess that's what he's grown up with. But just remember, I've never had a dishwasher. And I worked a more-than-full-time job during his formative years. 

Anyhoo... we have the sturdy paper plates with the colored trim around the edge, and the regular basic white paper plates with a fluted edge that are thinner. I always use the plain white paper plates, which sit in a wooden holder labeled EVERYDAY CHINA. Farmer H and The Pony use the good paper plates, even when a thinner one will do.

Anyhoo... Farmer H made himself a supper of leftover grilled bratwursts on buns, with three deviled eggs, a dab of baked beans, and a ramekin of slaw I decided at the last minute that I didn't want. When he came back to the kitchen for dessert, I noticed that he threw away his GOOD paper plate, and used another one to put a slice of cheesecake on.

"Wait! You used a new paper plate just for a little slice of cheesecake?"

"Nooo. It's what I already had."

"I don't think so. I saw you throw it away. You could have used one of the smaller paper plates for that slice of cheesecake, or a bowl. We don't have many of those GOOD paper plates left! Both stores are out of them. They're hard to find. Now you're wasting one."

"Nooo. It's one I used..."

"If you mean the one on bottom, that's still wasting it! You only use two so they're sturdier. That one on the bottom was perfectly good. Just like a new plate. So you're wasting it!"


Seriously. Farmer H used a plate THIS BIG...

(That's Farmer H's July 4th plate of sides.) hold a slice of cheesecake THIS BIG:

Not cool, Farmer H. Not cool.

I suppose he thinks we live in the Taj Mahal, and that I should be serving him gold-leaf treats on silver platters and fanning him with palm fronds.

Meanwhile, I re-use my CHEAP paper plates if they only have a couple crumbs on them.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

Here is the part that makes me crazy; you SAW him toss the plate andthen he LIED to your face trying to justify it by salvaging the bottom plate. HeWho does thi and it makes me want to rip his face off! I must be a little sensitive.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Heh, heh! A little sensitive. I consider myself "a little on edge." Like I used to tell my students: I'm not as stupid as you want me to be.

Sioux Roslawski said...

You could also peel grapes for him.

I am beginning you're not like Tammy Wynette, who stood by her man. Farmer H works so hard every day, and you're retired. YOU should be jumping up and getting a good plate for the salad course, another good plate for the main course, and another good plate for the dessert course. (I am assuming you don't usually have a cheese course with your meal.)

Your man is deserving of being pampered AND he is deserving of a clean plate for each course...

Hillbilly Mom said...

He's too lazy to eat grapes! I buy them when he asks, but they sit on the top shelf of FRIG II, in plain sight, until they shrivel into homemade raisins. Which he also doesn't eat.

I Farmer H had it his way, the courses would be Meat, Meat, and Meat.

River said...

That patterned plate is very pretty. If I'm having just one slice of cheesecake I don't even bother with a plate, a paper napkin will do just fine. I often use just a paper napkin for my sandwich at lunch, instead of a plate, or if I use a plate (proper china) I will rinse it of crumbs and stand it in the drainer to use again for dinner later.
I'm kinda glad Farmer H doesn't live with me. I'd be locked away in a straight jacket by now.
Kudos to you for putting up with him.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I get them at Save A Lot, because the version at Country Mart has half the plates for twice the price! They've been out, no doubt because of the 4th holiday and cookouts.

The Pony doesn't even use a plate for his cheesecake! He holds it and eats it out of his hand. They like their cheesecake more frozen than thawed. I use my paper plates over again. Like the one I have with my banana and dry fake Cheerios, I'll use again for chopping onions, even though it might have those stringy banana thingies on it.