Sunday, July 17, 2022

The Pony's Request For An Implement Of Squash Destruction Is Denied

The Pony came out on Thursday, to join us in a casino excursion that he requested for his day off. While gathering up last-minute items for the 1-hour drive, such as ice water and my meds and of course my gambling purse with casino bankroll... I was distracted by one of the two flies that barge in every day. Never mind that I smack them into oblivion with a flyswatter. There are two more to take their place the next day. 
I like to blame Farmer H, but at least one of them gets in when I return from town, and leave the door ajar as I fetch the treats for Jack and Juno. If I close the door, they think there is no treat, and resume whatever it is they do all day.

Anyhoo... The Pony had already filled his own silver metal water jug that he brought along with him. I was adding water to the ice in the single-serving red metal bottle that I was taking. 

"Dang it! There's that fly again!"

"I'll get it for you! Do you have something to hit it with?"

"Yeah. The flyswatter."

"And that might be where???"

"Hanging on that hook on the cutting block. Same place we've kept one for 20 years."

"Oh. I never noticed."

"I'm not surprised."

"Now where did he go?"

"Right in here. No! There. You can't hit it on my penny goblets! Wait. Oh. I lost him."

"I see him over here. On the beadboard on this side of the counter. GOT HIM!"

"Good. Now there's only one left. Until Dad lets another one in."

"Say, would you have an extra flyswatter I could take home?"

"I have one. Down in the basement. But I need one down there in case there's a fly. I know where I can get you one, though! Country Mart! They had a whole box display of them up by the 2-for-$3 snack pies. I'd even thought of getting a couple yesterday, but I didn't. Next time I'm in there, I'll get you a couple."

"Okay. Because I'm still finding out things I need at my house."

Sweet Gummi Mary! I hate to deny my little Pony a murder weapon when he asks for it!

The next day, I went in Country Mart, and THE FLYSWATTER DISPLAY WAS GONE! Ain't that how it always goes? However, I was on the housewares aisle to get a bottle of Dawn dishwashing liquid I saw on their sale ad. As I started up the back of the aisle, where the mousetraps and insect spray were, I saw FLYSWATTERS hanging on a plastic strip. 
Oodles of flyswatters, grouped by color, red/blue/green/yellow. They were 49 CENTS each! I got three. A red and blue for The Pony, and a green one for myself. I've never really liked yellow.

Funny how there was no Dawn dishwashing liquid! Only their store brand, which I have now, and isn't nearly as powerful as Dawn.

At the checkout, the Old Lady Checker who once put me down as 88 YEARS OLD said they sell a lot of flyswatters. I guess that's what happened to the big box of them.


River said...

I hate store brand dishwashing liquid. When a large chain supermarket had my favourite brand on sale at half price late last year I bought three every time I went in there and a few weeks later the other chain had the same sale, so I bought more. I have enough for a couple of years now.
I love yellow and have a yellow flyswatter and a neon orange one, the came tied together as a two pack, I had a red one but it broke after many years of swishing and splatting.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I only bought the store brand last time because they didn't have Dawn. When I saw the ad I was excited, thinking that maybe they'd just been out before, rather than not carrying that brand.

My store brand was green, with an apple scent. I like it, except for having to use twice as much, and not linger too long over the sink as it loses its sudsiness. I'm sure the price works out to be the same as Dawn, since I have to use more. I have a little bit of Dawn left. Orange, with the citrus fragrance.

Green is my favorite color, and I think The Pony favors blue. Now I feel bad about leaving a yellow flyswatter behind, the only color not chosen!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

My mother-in-law used Pink dishwashing liquid, yes, that was the name of the store brand from Pic N Save. She would keep adding it to the dishwater until the water was gelatinous with the stuff and it still had no real cleaning power, but was hard to rinse off. I hated that stuff, amde the dishwater feel like snot!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I plan to put in a standing order with The Pony and Farmer H, to pick up some Dawn for me the next trip they make to the Devil's Playground. They don't go nearly as often as I would like, and I haven't been there since 2020 when the Devil & Co. made me mad with their cattle-chute entrance tactics, even though there was never a line to get in. I can't believe that trailing along breathing the exhaust of a "possible" line of 50 others would be any safer than passing within a few yards of them in the great outdoors.