Thursday, July 28, 2022

He'll Take What He Can('t) Get

The Pony was having a good day Wednesday. As his days go.

"Mail today is a mess, expect nothing but coupons or magazines. The plant in St. Louis is underwater so we didn't get the regular mail. Still have to walk everything just because we have coupons, but it'll be an easy day."

Good for The Pony, though disturbing to me to think that some of my mail, sent or on the way, might be underwater!

Anyhoo... it's about time The Pony got a break, after burning his hand last Wednesday night. He hasn't had a day off since then. And with it being so hot, the matter of hydration could be life and death. Which makes it doubly unfortunate that he broke one of his metal water jugs a couple weeks ago, and one of the plastic jugs I gave him just a couple days ago.

Tuesday, I was in town when I got a text asking if I'd been to town yet. By the time I was able to answer, I could be of no help to my little Pony.

"In town now. At Country Mart in a couple minutes."

"Darn. Already stopped delivering and drove over to the ice thing for water. Mine spilled around 4:30. This thing does not have good water. It's too purified and has that weird taste, plus it's not cold. And it sprays pretty wide. Soaked my hand wrapping, so I just took it off. A little sun shouldn't hurt it too bad."

"Can I get you something?"
"No. I already moved and got it. Going back over to finish now."
There's a new ice dispensing shack over by Casey's. Farmer H had told The Pony how he could stop by there for water if he was delivering in Hillmomba. How water there only costs 25 cents, rather than paying over a dollar for a bottle of water at Casey's. All he needs is a jug for the water to pour into. At least he got some water, though not cold and not tasty.
I found  two jugs for The Pony in Country Mart. I'll deliver them Thursday on his day off. One is just like the jug that broke, and the other is only a quart, but it is sturdier, and has a handle, and better than no jug. They were the last two on the shelf.


River said...

How does on break a metal jug? Metal is unbreakable isn't it? Unless it was a thermos with the glass interior that shatters when dropped?

Hillbilly Mom said...

The Pony had two metal water jugs, one big and one almost-as-big. I'm not sure which one he broke. They both had black plastic for the base and the screw-on top with a handle. One of them already had a cracked base when The Pony was still living here, which I noticed when washing them. I don't know if the base broke further came off, or if the top also cracked. Either could make the jug unusable. The top would leak, and the bottom would make it unable to stand up.