Friday, July 8, 2022

Hot Enough For A Slimy Slug To Seek Solace In A Sewer Or Shower

The heat wave continues. This has been over three weeks of high-90s temps. Maybe longer. I remember it started before The Pony's car air conditioner pooped out. Which was a week before his hand pay at the casino. So a long time.

Thursday was errand day. I was 3rd in line at the bank. To avoid burning all the gas I just paid $4.07 per gallon to put in T-Hoe, I turned him off until time to pull forward. Only 10 minutes in line this time. Not bad for this bank, with two cars ahead of me. I've waited 30 minutes before, with only one. 

Anyhoo... I had all the windows down. T-Hoe was in the shade of a tree, then the shade under the roof of the drive-thru. I had a breeze. But it was a HUMID breeze. Not at all refreshing. Just more hot air swirling around me. By the time I started T-Hoe to drive away after my deposit, the mirror thermometer told me it was 111 degrees!!!

I didn't want to hold up the line for a picture. I waited until I was in the alley behind the bank, sitting at the stop sign behind the church whose steeple was struck by lightning a couple years ago. SOMEBODY needs to get their house of worship in order! 

Anyhoo... by the time I got the picture, having put up all T-Hoe's windows, and running the AC set on 66, with the fan at Level 3... the temperature did not look so bad:

I am grateful that the air conditioner is one of the accessories still working on T-Hoe.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Don't say it too loudly... the gods might decide they need a reason to laugh at you, and they'll make the air conditioner in the T-hoe stop working...

Hillbilly Mom said...

I am biting my tongue--I mean fingers--at this very moment, Madam, after you slapped me in the face with the reality of what I've done!!!

River said...

I'd be grateful too. Of course in public transport, the aircon is usually set for the driver's comfort so we take our chances.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Well, you definitely want the driver to be comfortable, and not distracted by being too hot or cold. Since they stay on, while passengers get off. Then again, you don't want the driver to be TOO comfortable, and fall asleep on the job!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

It is hotter there than here! The temperature this morning was 67 when I woke at 7. It got up to 82 this afternoon. It is very humid, though and I still sweat like I was in a boiler room. Mountain breezes ....

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, we've had this early heat wave with upper 90s since mid-June! You are lucky to have your mountain breezes, especially with your AC having been on the fritz. The humidity has been brutal here. I fear for The Pony getting overheated at work. Like that day he ran out of water in his 3 water jugs.