Monday, July 11, 2022

A Trying Town Excursion For Mrs. HM

Sunday was not a good day for Mrs. HM. It started out fine, with Farmer H at his Storage Unit Store, making money hand over fist. And staying outside to mow the yard/field when he got home around 3:00. I had the Mansion to myself. All I needed to do was make spaghetti for Farmer H's supper. That was going to be simple enough, with a can of sauce, a box of noodles, canned mushrooms, and smoked sausage for the sauce meat. Farmer H is okay with eating what we have on hand.

Off I went to town, right after Farmer H finished mowing and came inside. Such a coincidence, don't you think? Anyhoo, he was getting in Poolio anyway. So no need to entertain him, just listen briefly on my way through the living room to the windfall he acquired in a purchase of multiple items, one of which he'd already sold, putting him $100 ahead of his expenditures. That story will appear on my not-so-secret blog later in the week.

So... I just wanted to dash to town for my scratchers. But Country Mart had a sign taped to BOTH lottery machines saying they were out of order! And the checker who once marked down my age as 88 (!) kindly told me that a $50 ticket had gotten stuck in one, and the other was acting up, so they put the signs on them. Good for her for explaining it to me, before I took a chance on the other machine, which only had the sign taped to its money-accepting slot. I had noticed the day before that it was approaching on-the-fritz status, when it spit out a perfectly good dollar bill five times. No, I'm not a slow learner, but that machine doesn't give change, and I needed that only dollar I had in my pocket to complete the purchase of a $2 ticket with the money remaining from my cashed-in winner. I don't like getting only a $1 ticket, where the odds of winning are about 1 in 10.

Off I went to the Gas Station Chicken Store, where I was going anyway. It gave me three winners for $30, $10, and $3. So there's that.

But I also wanted some $3 tickets from Casey's. I saw a parking space while waiting to turn at the light, but when I pulled in, a man walked out with a boy of around 7, and flung open the back door to buckle in the kid. Which is expected, but not for over 5 MINUTES! Sheesh! That kid could have grow enough to need his seat belt loosened by then!

In waiting for that space, I was blocking a red pickup from getting to the gas pump. And also a black sedan from backing out of the space next to the one I was waiting for. So I finally left in a fit of pique, and didn't buy tickets anywhere else. 

Thanks to the GSCS, I at least profited from my purchases. Even though that was my plan to begin with, I did get different tickets than my original intent, due to the out-of-orders.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Perhaps he noticed you waiting... and took his sweet time?

I love when that happens.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I wouldn't be surprised. People are so passive-aggressive these days. I probably missed a massive winner by not waiting to buy my tickets there...

And another thing! What's with these people driving side-by-sides on the road??? They're like Gators, only newer, and some will hold four people. I hope they're outlawed in the city! But around here, people drive them like a regular car. No doors, no signals, no license plate. Somebody's going to get killed, and they'll probably delay my daily scratcher-buying trip!

On the way home, one of them pulled out on the county lettered highway, where the speed limit is 55 mph. Pulled out where there's a hill blocking traffic from seeing them, onto the bridge over the big river, where nobody can pass them to avoid a collision if there's also oncoming traffic.

Sioux Roslawski said...

Are you talking about golf carts? If so, there are sections of the city where lots of people have them. They're expensive, too.

River said...

Some kids take longer to buckle in because a) they don't want to be buckled in, b) they want to do it themselves, c) they can't do it themselves but insist on helping and getting it wrong, d) there's a singsong routine that must be gone through with each strap and buckle.
My hubby used to tell the kids buckle up fast or the car won't start.

Hillbilly Mom said...

No, golf carts are heavy and slower. This is more like a dune buggy. An off-road (supposedly) vehicle. Farmer H says some of them are $20,000 to $30,000. I found a picture of one sold by Lowe's, which is $15,000, and similar to the ones I see around here ON THE ROAD. This one apparently has turn signals, too.

I just think they are a danger on the roads, driving with CARS that must pass safety standards to help people survive a crash.

Hillbilly Mom said...

You continue to languish in SPAM until I rescue you! Sometimes Klothesline Kathy is there to keep you company.

I saw no struggly signs with the buckling. Just the dad had his head inside, one arm outside on the roof of the car. You'd think that by this kid's age, he would be capable of shoving a belt into a latch. Maybe they were eating the snacks they just bought.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Maybe Dad and son were having a moment ..... WE were pulling into an empty parking space, slowly, thank goodness, as the woman on the passenger side of the vehicle next to our driver's side slung her door open suddenly and then took her sweet time getting out. First she seemed to be consulting her driver, then she ascended slowly, making me think she might have some sort of handicap. Then she stood and straightened her clothing while looking straight at us, then leisurely closed the door to saunter into the store, displaying no handicap. It was like she was telling us that she was better than us. Maybe she was, but if looks could kill, she might be on her deathbed by now.

Hillbilly Mom said...

OH NO! You're describing how I get out of A-Cad! Except I don't look at the people I'm obstructing! That would be something a PSYCHO might do! It's a miracle I've avoided the stinkeye deathbed.