Monday, July 4, 2022

Who's Checking The Checkers?

Sweet Gummi Mary! Sometimes, I swear that cashiers undergo no training whatsoever! Unless just enough so they don't "accidentally" steal money. But with everybody using plastic these days, that's an unlikely scenario.

I'm pretty sure nobody teaches them how to bag. But that's not an issue at Save A Lot. All they have to do is put your items in your cart, so you can bag them yourself. Which seems to require an Einstein intellect to cart those items in a reasonable manner.

You know how soda comes in a cardboard 12-pack? The square shape, not the long rectangle. I got two 12-packs of my new favorite, the Shasta Diet Cola. Of course I handled them by poking my fingers through the cardboard to open up the little slot on top. I set them out of my cart, onto the conveyor. I ASSUMED the checker set them down in my cart. But upon bellying up to the bagging counter, I saw what she had done.

She STACKED my 12-packs on their sides! One on top of the other! 

I had to feel around to find those slots again, to set them upright, so I could handle them and put them in T-Hoe's rear. AND that gal had put my 18-pack of eggs in the child seat of the cart! That's fine for a dozen eggs. They fit. But the 18-pack gets wedged. The styrofoam carton has to squish in to move it away from the metal of the seat.

Seriously. If she had put my soda in the cart the right way, there would have been no need to jam those eggs in the child seat. But by stacking the soda, a heavy 12-pack could have slid off on the egg carton if she put it in the bottom of the cart with the other groceries.

How can people be so dense?

Maybe I should ask The Pony. It's his generation.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Yes, there are cashiers who must have $hit for brains. It doesn't take a high IQ to see the finger-holes and make sure those finger-holes are on top.

After all, wouldn't it be easier for them to just set the soda packs down, using the finger-holes?

River said...

I had a shock on Saturday when a checker scanned my dozen eggs and moved to put them in my empty bag, with much heavier things to follow. I stopped her very firmly, telling her eggs NEVER go in the bottom of the bag, they'd get crushed by the heavier items. She gave me an odd look, as if she had never known eggs were fragile. She packed the rest of my items then asked if the eggs were okay on top of them. I said yes and hoped the older checker next to her would keep an eye on her work and maybe give a little instruction. I'm hoping she was very new and I was her first customer and has since learned a thing or two.

Hillbilly Mom said...

You'd THINK it would be easier just to use the finger-holes to set them in the cart. Maybe she spends her leisure time putting toothpaste back in the tube, and trying to re-invent the wheel.

Heh, heh! " if she had never known eggs were fragile." I think these young whippersnappers of The Pony's generation just don't have any common sense, or any real-life experience with taking care of their basic needs. Not for lack of me trying to TEACH The Pony these things. He's the generation where EVERYONE got a trophy. Rewarded for breathing, mainly.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I prefer bagging my own. HeWho is a big fan of self checkout. He does the scanning and bagging as I hand him the items and tell him how to place them in the bag. Went to Walmart yesterday and the self checkout on one end of the store was closed down. I asked a helpful, friendly associate if I had been fired form the job I had never trained for. She looked at me blankly and still didn't get my reference, even after I explained it to her. Seems there is a shortage of workers that will man the self checkout. Training optional.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I never understood having the self checkout, but then paying an employee to stand there and take care of it. I HATE a self checkout. Of course Young Genius loved them, and would persuade me to use it, while HE did the scanning.