Saturday, July 30, 2022

Farmer H Goes To Prison. Potentially.

Imagine my surprise on Thursday afternoon, when Farmer H said he thought he'd like to go to the Missouri State Penitentiary. Oh, come on! It's not what you think! Not for punitive purposes, but on a tour. The actual prison has been closed for a while. 
"I just think it might be interesting."
"It's because you saw it when you came home and I was watching that show! Portals to Hell! With Jack Osbourne."
"I just think it looks like an interesting tour. It's only a few hours away. I could take The Veteran with me."
"First of all, do you think The Veteran's wife would let him go? Every time he plans something with you, he has to cancel. Like that time he was going to drive you to the hospital for your tests, and The Pony had to do it. Good think he had thought to schedule a day off, just in case."
"Yeah. Maybe I'll ask one of my buddies up at the storage units."
"You'll have to stay overnight. I'm sure it doesn't start until after dark, and you'll be tired. I wouldn't want you driving back on those twisty roads like that."
"The tour starts at 8:30 p.m. And goes until 4:00 a.m."
"WHAT? You mean it's like a lock-in. Like a ghost-hunters' tour. You'll definitely have to get a room, and kill time having breakfast until you can check in, and then get a good night's sleep before starting home." 

"I can do that."

"NO! I don't want you going! You might bring something back!"

"Like what? What am I going to bring back?"

"Some kind of entity! It might attach itself to you! I don't want something like that in my house."

"Ain't nothin' gonna 'attach' itself to me!"

"Like we don't already have enough unexplainable stuff happening around here."

Seriously. I don't care what you believe, but I sure don't want any extra negative energy coming into the Mansion. You just don't go looking for trouble, putting yourself on something's radar.
I only watched that show because I was flipping channels, and saw Missouri State Penitentiary. Of course I'm gonna watch a show about Missouri. Even if it's a creepy ghost-hunting Jack Osbourne show.

I can only watch something like that in broad daylight, though.

I guess Farmer H was looking online at info like this:


Sioux Roslawski said...

In a cell overnight? Maybe necessitating two nights away? And you're saying no?

I am going to try and entice my PITA into going on that tour...

Hillbilly Mom said...

I would be getting a pretty good deal: 2 nights away, but only 1 requiring payment for a room. Although the tour itself will cost as much...

OOH! Farmer H, and your PITA! Any lurking evil entities hanging out at the prison should be VERY AFRAID!

River said...

I wouldn't be worried about any entities, any that are still there would consider the place home and not want to leave.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Heh, heh. So basically what you are saying is that an entity would find a shut-down penitentiary with a death chamber more pleasant to remain in than my Mansion!

Sioux Roslawski said...

Ooooh! As my students would say, you got roasted!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Better than being a fun-sucker, I suppose. Which is what my students most often said to me.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Why anyne would find that fun is a mystery to me! Sounds creepy to me and like you, I would be afraid of bringing the spirit of a criminal home!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Genius used to like that stuff, from a technology standpoint. Seeing if machines could detect different energy. He's quite scientific, and not at all a believer. I was like that myself, until I saw a headless man in my basement. I think Farmer H mainly likes looking at old factories and facilities. He doesn't seem sensitive to alternative energy forms like The Pony and me.