Sunday, July 10, 2022

Mrs. Hillbilly Mom's Headache Cure

I have a new product to sell on the counter of my proposed handbasket factory! With all my entrepreneurial discoveries over the years, I might even need Farmer H to build me another counter! This one might take up a little extra room.

I stop short of calling it "The Recipe." I'm pretty sure that one's been taken. My "recipe" might not be as popular as that of the Baldwin Sisters on Walton's Mountain. It won't give you a kick. But it WILL stop a headache! That's right. Mrs. HM has a new cure for a headache!

Thursday, I woke up with a sinus headache. All stuffy, pain over my eyes and on my cheeks. It wasn't bad YET, so I struggled with it, hoping it would go away after my morning meds and daily aspirin. It did not. The shower did not alleviate it for long. The trip to town made it worse, what with the EXTREME HEAT and then the COOL AC blowing on my face as I got in and out of T-Hoe. My can of Shasta Diet Cola with supper didn't help.

By the time Farmer H went to bed around 8:30, and I gave up pecking at HIPPIE at the kitchen table, I was ready to take something for relief. I popped a regular acetaminophen. After 90 minutes, I could detect no change. The back of my neck was all tight and achy. So I did what any woman in such a predicament would do, and went to the kitchen for some microwave popcorn. 

While popping my popcorn, I remembered a bottle of Gatorade that I'd put in FRIG II for Farmer H when he was sick a while back. He didn't drink it. The thought of the Gatorade was appealing. So I took it to the short couch with my popcorn.

SWEET GUMMI MARY! My headache went away by the time I finished the popcorn and Gatorade! Perhaps I was missing some electrolytes that were in the Gatorade chemicals. Or maybe the chewing of the popcorn relaxed the stiff muscles, and the motion allowed my sinuses to drain. Or more likely, the acetaminophen finally kicked in.

Whatever the case, my headache was GONE! It did not return overnight. So now my new headache cure is microwave popcorn and lemon-lime Gatorade.

The packaging is going to be a bit awkward, and take up a lot of counter space. But I'm sure my new remedy will be a hit with all the folks who flock to my Proposed Handbasket Factory and Shackytown Amusement Park. Because even if they don't have a headache when they arrive, they're sure to have one by the time they leave.


Sioux Roslawski said...

Why do you ASSume your customers will have a headache when they leave? What sort of things will the ticket-holders see or experience that will cause a pain in their brain?

Rae said...

I woke up with that same headache on Friday morning and suffered through a whole day of it. (had an appointment to go to the clinic lab for INR numbers and since I had put it out a week longer already, really needed to get it over with) Tough day, Friday. Sure could have used your magic elixir. Struggled with it a bit yesterday but finally got some relief, however, woke up with continuing symptoms today. Urgh!!! Ranee (MN)

Hillbilly Mom said...

Because their HOST, Farmer H, is known for causing headaches! They might catch a glimpse of him in Poolio, in his combination "swim/birthday suit." Plus they will have to hear a lecture on the history of Shackytown.

Sorry for your suffering! I think part of my problem was the low pressure system that brought in thunderstorms that afternoon.

I don't know why my remedy worked, and if it will work again, but it's worth a try! I hate to resort to ibuprofen, which usually stops that headache after a couple hours, but makes my hands feel like they're swelling.

River said...

It's possible the salt content of the popcorn dried up some of the sinus fluid build-up and the gatorade would help too by adding fluids to counteract any dehydration. I like the lemon-lime flavour too but can't often get any as it sells out faster. I rarely drink gatorade anyway, sticking with water most of the time.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I am also not a Gatorade drinker, but I had it when I was sick, just before and after my Unfortunate HospitVALzation. Only a few sips per day, but it was perfect. Then I wanted the whole bottle with my headache. So I guess my body was telling me something.

I read about a Gatorade shortage, but it was always on the shelves around here. I guess people being sick through the winter kept the supply down.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

The Gatoraid certainly didn't hurt. A headache is a symptom of dehydration. Of course it is a symptom of so many things.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I slurped down that sugar and electrolytes like they were good for me. So maybe that's what helped.