Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Counting To Six

Here we go again...

It's time to refill my regular medicines, but two of the three are out of refills. I called in all three on Monday. The recorded message said they were out of refills, that they would contact my doctor, and that my prescriptions should be ready on Tuesday afternoon. On Tuesday afternoon, I got an automated text that one prescription was ready.

I called my pharmacy, because sometimes all are ready, but they only text about one. They used to be more automated-ly efficient, telling me things such as 1 of 3 prescriptions are ready. Anyhoo... the gal was polite. Gave her name. Asked for my birthdate. Then said that only one was ready. 

"Okay. Is it because two are out of refills?"

"I don't know. Let me see. Yes. Two are out of refills. We sent a message to your doctor."

"Okay. Did they refuse it? Because I will call their office."

"Um. It looks like they just haven't gotten back to us. Do you want me to re-send it?"

"Yes, please. I'll wait another day, and then call to check on it. Thank you."

Here's the thing. I go to the doctor every six months for bloodwork and prescription refills. Remember this issue before, when he only gave me the prescription and four refills? And you brainwashed loyal readers kept telling me that I needed to get my bloodwork before I could get my six months more of refills, which I already KNEW, the point being that my NP was shorting me on the refills!

I am not an idiot. I understand that I can't get years' worth of refills without an exam. I didn't just fall off the turnip truck. I KNOW that it is standard practice to have bloodwork every six months to see if there are any problems with the medications. Not only is this not my first rodeo, I have a giant belt buckle making me a six-month-med-bloodwork champion!!!

Anyhoo... here's my current issue. My last appointment was Monday, November 7. I even mentioned it to you way back then. I remember, because we went to vote that same day, at the OLD MORGUE! See? It's coming back to you, isn't it?

Now if you count on your fingers, you will see that it has not been SIX MONTHS since my last bloodwork and appointment. That would be on May 7. So here's the deal. IF I have to get another appointment to get my refills that are out, it will only have been five months. I would imagine the insurance company would take issue with that, and possibly make me pay for the bloodwork.

What kind of a scam is THIS? Do I need an office visit every five months, and bloodwork every six months? That's crazy talk!

Of course if I find out on Wednesday that I need an appointment, I will have to call and bring this up with the doctor office. Which means I will call and get a recording, then wait for someone to call me back. Which will likely not happen, and I'll have to call again. Which could drag out until I run out of my meds.

I am fully convinced that the medical establishment is currently trying to thin the herd of elderlies...


River said...

I think you need to write this out in a dot point list and go over everything with the NP and demand (okay, ask nicely) why the continued stuff up? I wouldn't put up with it.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I never know if my NP is the one who actually does the refills after my visit, or if he relies on office staff for that. Somebody is dropping the ball. However... more in the next post.