Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Paid For, Ready to Flame, Getting a Name

Farmer H went out to the Lake Development and paid the assessment on Sunday. $430 yearly for the right to own a little square of property with only trees on it, and access to a big lake, ponds, swimming pool, and fishing. We don't go out there much any more. Used to, when HOS (Hick's Oldest Son) and The Veteran were in their tweens. 

Anyhoo... I found the story of the shady dealer who sold our lot that he didn't own. There are two links in it that provide more of the confusing information. It was on my not-so-secret blog back in June 2021.

Farmer H paid the assessment, and asked about the yearly fire tag, which is separate, and paid to the fire department out there. He said the gal didn't know anything about it. "She wasn't very bright."

So he brought back the extra check I had given him, saying he's not worried about the fire tag. Indeed. I don't mind supporting the fire department, and pay them every year (that I get a bill!!!). But short of lightning striking a tree on that lot, no fire is likely. We have no structures to be damaged. If the trees burn, it really won't affect us. Anybody with a building nearby should be paying their fire tag. So the firemen would watch ours burn, but put out theirs. That's how it goes with rural fire tags.

Farmer H said the sign he put up in 2021 has faded. That you can't see the lot number on it now. AND that the guy next to us has put a sign about five feet over our property line with HIS lot number on it. So Farmer H is going to take a new sign with our name and lot number, and put it on a pole on the property line. Just for the record.


River said...

That guy thinks he's going to steal five feet of your property? How dare he?
Farmer H should put several signs on trees on your property line, like a fence of signs.

Hillbilly Mom said...

It's just odd that he put HIS lot number over on our lot. He's not even the guy who was trying to sell it! I can't see how it benefits him. And as Farmer H pointed out, the corners are marked with metal poles and orange spray paint. It wouldn't even be an issue, except for that other guy "selling it" when it didn't belong to him. So we have to keep an eye on it, lest somebody build a structure and move in. It's hard to get rid of squatters these days!