Sunday, March 5, 2023

Farmer H Is A Real Pisser

Far be it from Mrs. Hillbilly Mom to speak ill of the ill. Okay. It's not that far at all. But there's something I have to get off my chest, and it ain't the nonexistent hair that my grandpa told me would grow there if I ate salsa on my scrambled eggs.

As you know, Farmer H had back surgery on Monday, to screw together a plate to support the L4 and L5 discs. He was sent home with assorted medical accoutrements. In addition to the wound-sucker vacuum on his back, support hose, back brace, grabber stick, sock-puller-onner, and walker... he had a urinal jug.

Farmer H hangs The Jug on the front of his walker. I can understand how he might not want to get up in the middle of the night and walker his way across the house to the boys' bathroom, which has a higher toilet. So I don't begrudge him relieving himself bedside. He does not expect me to empty The Jug. He does that himself. Which is a good thing. Or so I thought.

Then Farmer H took to using The Jug while he was sitting in his recliner! Right there in the living room! Rather than get up and walker to the bathroom. He's supposed to get up, you know, every 30-45 minutes. His discharge papers said so. But I can goad him into getting up every 2 hours now. Which used to be 1 hour during the first couple days.

On Thursday, I noticed that Farmer H walkered to the bathroom with The Jug half full, and returned with it empty. I did not hear the toilet flush! He leaves the door open, you know. It's an easy sound to catch.

"Don't tell me you're pouring your pee down the sink!"

"It's just a drain, HM. Everything goes out the same pipe."

"NO! That's just wrong! No wonder that bathroom stinks like pee!"

"I run water down it. I have to rinse my Jug anyway."

"That's just wrong! Otherwise, people would just be peeing in their sinks all willy-nilly!"

"Fine. I'll pour it in the toilet."

"The sink still smells!"

"Pour some bleach down it."

Sure. Because what's ONE MORE task for me to fit into my on-call schedule, right?

Anyhoo... Saturday, I served Farmer H his lunch at the cutting block. This has been a recent development. He says it's easier. For HIM, of course. Even though it's also easier for me, that had nothing to do with his decision. It's too hard for him to sit up with his feet on the floor, and juggle a plate and a bowl in his recliner. 

Anyhoo... lunch was his regular bologna and pepper jack cheese on nutty oat bread with yellow mustard, cut in half. And a bowl of carrots/broccoli with Velveeta cheese melted on it. This was around 11:45. He had meds to take at 12:15, which he'd left on the table next to his recliner.

Anyhoo... I was sitting at the kitchen table computing. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Farmer H standing between the cutting block and FRIG II. I figured he was getting water in his cup, from the dispenser on the door, to go back and sit down for his meds in the living room. But it was only 11:55. He's not jonesing for his pain pills now that the steroids have relieved his leg pain, but I didn't want him taking his pills early. That's a bad habit to get into.

"What are you doing?"

"Right now? I'm peeing."


"When you have to go, you have to go, HM. Sometimes I really have to go while I'm out in town, or at my store."

"So you're training yourself just to whip it out and go?"

"No. I have to go to a bathroom or port-a-potty for that."

"Which I guarantee are farther away that the BATHROOM JUST AROUND THE CORNER!"


"So what are you touching next, with your pee hands?"

"My other half of sandwich."

Seriously? After eating that sandwich, he got up and opened FRIG II to get a little cup of fruit for dessert. So now I have to disinfect the handle of FRIG II.

Oh, and get THIS! After eating, Farmer H burped.

"Excuse me."

As if he is a standard-bearer of manners...


Kathy's Klothesline said...

I read this to The Patient. He sees nothing wrong with this at all, doesn't even find it funny. The only question he had? Why I didn't grab his urinal and bring it home with him ...... I left it deliberately. He would never get up if he had it here and he would expect me to empty and clean it!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I am not surprised that The Patient saw nothing wrong, and no humor in this scenario. They are, after all, the same man. I'm sure The Patient and Farmer H would become fast pen-pals, should either of them ever exhibit a desire to read or write in their spare time.

How dare you leave that urinal behind! It's FREE, by cracky! Free for the thousands of dollars the insurance gets from the hospital stay. Maybe The Patient needs a toilet recliner. I'm pretty sure I saw one on an episode of The Simpsons. Homer might have invented it.

River said...

He's doing WHAT now????
That is so wrong! Since he is SUPPOSED to be getting up every 30-45 minutes, he can surely use that time to get to and from the bathroom!
Picture me virtually slapping him upside the head.
He's doing wrong and I bet he knows it but is too lazy to bother doing the right thing even though it is no extra trouble for him.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Farmer H has the AUDACITY to act like urine belongs in a sink! As for his JUG, I wouldn't be surprised if he wears it on a lanyard around his neck when he returns to his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2). I'd give him an excuse like his brain was under anesthesia too long... but this has kind of been his attitude since I met him! Not specifically the sink pee, but the attitude that what he says is fact, with a little chuckle to show how stupid anyone who disagrees with him is.