Thursday, March 23, 2023

Hunkering Down In Hillmomba

I'm not feeling well tonight. It's currently 10:27 p.m. I have a headache at the back of my neck, and nausea, with .5 degree of fever. My hands are shaking with chills. Gonna go sit on the short couch, and take a vomit bowl with me. Just in case. Plus my metal water bottle, to sip a teaspoon of water every five minutes or so, to stay hydrated.

If I still feel bad on Thursday, I am not going to town for errand day. We're supposed to have rain and flooding for 3-4 days. If I get Genius's letter written, Farmer H can mail it for me. T-Hoe's gas, and the weekly cash allowance, can wait. I don't even feel like scratchers right now. :(


Rae said...

I sure hope you're not getting this crud that's going around. I got it over 3 weeks ago and I'm still coughing and dealing with throat issues. My husband caught if from me (heard later that it was highly contagious and I likely caught it from my dad) and he recovered (mostly, except cough and throat)quicker than I did. I had no energy, headache on the top of my head, sore neck and shoulders, super sore throat and a rotten cough that completely wore me out. And I lost my voice, twice.It's still not very strong and can cut out on me. I still have to do things in bits at a time. Do something, sit and rest, do something else, sit and rest. I have been tired and want to sleep a lot and did the first 2 weeks but I'm getting there, I think - I hope, because I have had enough. We had C19 same time as this, last year. Starting to think I don't like March all that much. I hope you are already recovering.Ranee

Hillbilly Mom said...

That sounds like something I DO NOT want to have! Take care of yourself, and watch out for pneumonia. That's kind of how I felt before I spend four days in the hospital, the tiredness and lack of energy, and a low-grade fever for a couple weeks. I don't have a cough, but it started with a mild sore throat on one side, and a crackly ear.

Still waiting for improvement. My shaking hands stopped, but the fever went up. I'll take it day by day. Not even 24 hours in, yet.

Alice said...

Take care, hope you feel better soon. Lots of different stuff going around.

River said...

You don't even feel like scratchers??
Call an ambulance!! Something is seriously wrong in the Mansion!
If you are still the same tomorrow get yourself to Emergency Care, you don't want a repeat hospital stay.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Thank you. I can't imagine where I picked it up, since I'm not a face-toucher, and I'm in and out of the convenience stores, with just a couple grocery trips a week. I'm pointing the finger at my right ear, which is where the symptoms started.

I can't believe I have no interest in scratchers! Farmer H would have picked some up for me, but I had no desire. I will keep tabs on my temperature and symptoms. Right now I'm able to drink water, and I ate a chicken thigh for supper at 8:00. So the nausea is abating.