Monday, March 20, 2023

Mrs. HM's Pride Has Goneth, And She Is Currently In Free Fall

Seems like only two days ago that I was patting myself on the back for paying my T-Mobile bill online (one time only), and my DISH bill through the mail because their online system is down. Oh. That's right. It WAS only two days ago. Silly Mrs. HM, thinking she is current on all her financial obligations...

Sunday morning at the Not-Heavenish hour of 8:30, Farmer H sent me a text.

"HM, Lake Development just called and asked if we were going to pay our assessment. I told her I was sure you had already paid it."

"I will check, but I don't remember if we got it in November. Give me about a half hour."

So I went to look through my records, which consist of my checkbook register, where I old-fashionedly record the checks I write, refusing to rely on an online system. Anyhoo... I had records of all our tax payments for the Mansion and Pony House and the Flip House, and personal property tax, but nothing for the Lake Development assessment. They all come around the same time, November.

I called Farmer H and told him all that I remembered.

"We hadn't gotten our assessment bill by December. I told you about it. I asked if you thought maybe that weirdo who was trying to sell our lot to another dude might have done something to change the name on our lot, and it got sent to the wrong person. You said you doubted that could happen, but you'd go out to the office and check, and take a drive by our lot, to make sure that guy wasn't building anything on it. I just looked up the Lake Development website, and I remember going there back then, to see if they had an announcement about being late with the assessment mailings. I found nothing. I didn't call, because the office was not open at the time I was trying to find out. And then you said you'd go out there, but I guess you forgot. We never got a bill, and so I didn't remember to pay. You can call her back, and probably pay over the phone with your debit card."

"No. I'll go out there and pay it. I'll call her back and tell her."

"They are only open from noon to 4:00 on Monday. And also those hours on Thursday. Make sure you drive by our lot, too!"

So here I was feeling kind of guilty, because we always pay our bills!!! Providing we GET a bill, heh, heh! Then I went to write this, and tried to find that story about the guy attempting to sell our lot. I guess I don't know the right key words to search. Or maybe I put that part (with the picture where he posted a different address on our lot!) on my not-so-secret blog. Anyhoo... I DID find another story about a problem getting an assessment bill!

Not from last year, but the year before! When they were, in fact, late sending out the bills.


River said...

I hope this gets sorted and paid quickly so you can once again bask in the glow of a clear conscience having paid up to date.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Story coming up. And we STILL haven't gotten a T-Mobile bill. So good thing I paid it online after their little text reminder. It makes me think that our mail is not being put in the proper EmBee, and whoever gets it is throwing it away! We get other people's mail, and I drive it back to town and remail it. I'm not going to look through all the mailboxes for the right number. Since I go to town every day anyway, I just drop it in the drive-thru mailbox by the dead-mouse-smelling post office,