Tuesday, March 14, 2023

There's An Ill Wind Blowing In Hillmomba

Or rather, there's a wind blowing that's making Mrs. HM ill. 

I was fine when I left for town with Farmer H riding shotgun in T-Hoe, to pick up SilverRedO from Mick the Mechanic's shop. New brakes that cost a pretty penny! Anyhoo... the temperature was 34 degrees, with a brisk wind.

When I stopped down by Mailbox Row to put on my seatbelt, a weird piece of fluffy stuff landed on the windshield, right between my eyes. Of course it clung there. We couldn't tell if it was an insect or tree fluff. Farmer H suggested that I turn on the windshield wipers, but I feared a smear would be even worse that that half-inch obstruction. After a half mile, it finally blew away.

My scratcher-buying and bill-mailing had me out of T-Hoe four times, being whipped by the wind. On my last stop, the drive-thru at Dairy Queen for the 2-for-$5 menu where I like to get soft pretzel sticks with queso, and a regular cheeseburger, I developed a headache.

I haven't had a headache for awhile now. I think this one is sinus-related. Just before the headache, I had a scratchy-throat episode. I think there must be some kind of pollen whipping around on the wind. When I stopped for the mail coming home, another of those fluffy things sailed past my head.

I should have felt no pain at all, having taken my daily aspirin two hours before leaving for town, plus a knee-related acetaminophen right before starting out the door. Now the pain is at the back of my skull, with crackles when I move my neck, and I'm getting tension in my shoulders. 

Farmer H tried to strong-arm me into taking an Aleve, which he can't have right now according to his medicine list after surgery. No siree, Bob! That's way too much ibuprofen-ish medicine for me. I'll take an ibuprofen every now and then if I have severe pain, but it makes my hands puffy. So I sure don't need extra of such a drug.

I wonder if Farmer H is feeling well enough to start trying to kill me again...


Kathy's Klothesline said...

I saw my NP for my regular blood draw and check-up. She looked at my knee and twisted it this way and that. Then she put me on Meloxicam for 30 days just to see if it helped and it is helping much more han I thought it would. The pollen is particularly bad as the wind blows the tree pollen down on us. Is there a cottonwood tree near your mailbox? They make tose white fluffly things that blow everywhere.

River said...

If this is sinus related and there are things flying about in the breeze I suggest taking some antihistamine once you are home again, see if that helps. If it makes you a bit sleepy at least you will be home and not driving. If it doesn't work then you'll know it isn't hayfever. Is it possible you have cricked your neck just enough to throw things a teensy bit out of place? Do you have neck and shoulder exercises you can do to relieve that?

Hillbilly Mom said...

I have never heard of Meloxicam. I will have to look that up. I wouldn't know a cottonwood tree if it blew fluff up my nose! They look like regular trees to me... Maybe oak and hickory. There's one that has white bark that I thought was a birch tree. But there's definitely fluff in the air.

All my antihistamine (Benedryl) is expired by several years. I didn't think I cricked my neck, but when I woke up from falling asleep sitting on the couch, the side of my neck hurt, but my headache was gone! No headache after today's trip to town, but the wind was calm.

River said...

phooey on the expiry, take some anyway and see if it helps. I have extra strength painkillers that expired four years ago and they still work. I took one for the headache I got after having six teeth extracted last month.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I have taken overly-expired painkillers, but not benedryl. I'll have to see if I can reach it, since Farmer H put in the new microwave, and it's hard to reach into the cabinet over it where such things are stored.