Friday, June 18, 2021

Sometimes, I Like A Little Ice Cream In My Chocolate Shake

I really should be a secret shopper. I have so many experiences worthy of tattling on incompetent employees. And you'd think I'd become a familiar face, so those employees (if still employed) would mind their Ps and Qs when I rolled up.

Thursday errand day, which means Burger King! I made the same order I always make.

"I can take your order when you're ready."

"I'll have a #1...

I paused, because when I tell them the order straight off, they have to interrupt me to ask me the things I've just told them. They don't listen. But THIS time, she (sounded like the dumb girl The Pony and I had problems with before) remained mute.

"...with no cheese, no lettuce. Make it a large. And with a Diet Coke, no ice. And also a chocolate shake."

She was slow putting it on the screen. It looked okay. But she was slow putting up the shake. Then she said dismissively, 

"That will be $14.07 at the first window."

"Uh... that's... did you add the shake?"


"That's not what it usually is... but oh, well..."

I drove around, thinking that maybe prices had gone up. They're exorbitantly high already, but prices of everything are going up. There were four cars ahead of me. Two had already paid, waiting on the food window. Moving slow.

When it was my turn, a red-headed stringbean boy, who looked like The Shermanator in that naughty movie American Pie, repeated the order:

"You had the Whopper with cheese, no lettuce--"

"No. WITHOUT CHEESE! No cheese. I come here every week, and something always gets messed up."

"NO cheese?"

"Yes. NO CHEESE. I know you' didn't TAKE the order, but I'd just like to get it right."

He turned and told somebody, and I heard that girl's voice say, "No cheese?" Then he recalculated my order to the usual $13.53. I pulled forward, and another stringbean with dark hair handed me my soda.

"Diet Coke, no ice."

"Thank you."

Then he handed me THIS SHAKE:

SWEET GUMMI MARY! Did I order a "Dollop of ice cream, fill it with chocolate syrup, shoot some whipped topping on it?" I think not. I ordered a CHOCOLATE SHAKE. Which implies a homogeneous mixture of ice cream and flavoring. Blended.

"Huh. Maybe you could have MIXED IT?"

That was a rhetorical question. Not intended to be, but he had closed the window on me. So I posed it for a picture. When he returned with my food, he said, "Thank you. Have a nice day." Which was a plus, at least.

At first I thought maybe they had mixed the shake like that as retaliation. But it was so melty, I figure it was already made, and waiting, before I paid. Gotta say, my Whopper was the most delicious one in a long time. Just the right amount of mayo, four pickle slices, two tomato slices, and enough rings of onion. 

I'm hoping there wasn't some kind of "special sauce" added after my complaint...


Sioux Roslawski said...

You poked them with your sharp, unreasonable words. You expect to get your fast food order right?

Shirley you jest. ;)

River said...

I'm ashamed that even simple jobs like mixing a shake seem to be beyond some people. Why is there no pride in their work?

Hillbilly Mom said...

Like poking a bear with a sharp stick, I was leery of the consequences. At least THEY didn't call me Shirley!

I don't care if they take pride in their work or not! I just want them to prepare it to order, even if they only do so to avoid a day in the stocks, or a lashing with a cat-o-nine-tails!