Saturday, June 12, 2021

Summer Is Coming, The Pony's Losing Fat, Won't You Please Put Some Mittens On Your Danged Old Cat

49 days in. That's how long The Pony has been employed, working out his 90-day probationary period. How time flies when you're working 10-11 hours a day, walking 9-13 miles each and every one. It's not like The Pony had any fat to lose. He wasn't spindly, but he wasn't chunky.

Anyhoo... you may recall that The Pony injured his wrist one Saturday, carrying an awkward heavy package. The wrist seems to be okay now, after a few days of wearing a brace on it. At least The Pony doesn't mention it hurting now. However...


I don't think he reported it to management. But he DID send me a text before starting home:

"Clocked out. I'm gonna go get Steak N Shake. Also, I got scratched by a cat."

Please, everyone. Get out your teeny-tiny violins, and assist me in serenading The Pony at his pity party. He showed me the wound on Friday evening. It was on the fingerprint part of the pinky finger on his right hand. In the middle, about half the length of that finger joint. Starting to scab over.

"You won't believe how much a little cut on the finger can bleed! And how much you use your little finger for! It was dripping a globule of blood for quite a while. I had to be careful. During training, much emphasis was placed on NOT GETTING BLOOD ON THE MAIL!"

As a daily aspirin-taker, and a frequent finger-slicer, I DO believe how much a finger cut can bleed, and I know how much you use a finger. I did NOT know the Blood-Mail Rule.

"How did THAT happen? Did you try to pet a cat?"

"No. It was through a mail slot. I knew there was a white cat in there. But I have to push the mail way in, so it will clear the flap on the slot, to fall down. 
He got me."

I don't want to think about The Pony's first dog encounter...


Sioux Roslawski said...

So, was this a mail slot in the door? And the cat thinks it's a game?

I have a friend whose small dog would leap at their mail slot if I dropped by and slipped them a card or small package (w/o paying the USPS) into the slot. You'd see parts of the dog, its fur, jutting out of the slot. They ended up getting something from England, a wire "cage" that holds their mail inside their house and keeps their mini Cujo from hurting anybody.

Is The Pony a magnet for weird accidents?

Sioux Roslawski said...

Do you need a ha-penny?

River said...

I hope he has disinfected that cut thoroughly, cat scratches are notorious for getting infected. I suppose the continuous blood dripping might have washed out any germs, but it pays to be extra careful.
49 days already!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, The Pony says he's seen the cat through the slot before. I didn't ask if he's been peeping in mail slots. I'm pretty sure he took an oath about that.

Bypassing the fees of the USPS??? You are stealing food straight from The Pony's mouth!

The Pony IS an accident magnet. He split his head open in a tug-of-war with Genius over the belt to his robe. I contemplated making him wear a helmet for most of his waking hours. No sharp edge was too high or too low to avoid The Pony's noggin.

If you haven't got a penny, I suppose one will do...

He carries hand sanitizer with him. I'll have to ask. He was recommended to carry bandaids, too. Don't know if he has some. When I was teaching at Cuba, MO, a student actually got CAT SCRATCH FEVER! She was pretty sick with swollen glands.

I know! 49 days! The Pony is gloating at his bank account. He's feeling his oats! Talking about getting his own place...