Wednesday, August 18, 2021

If It Weren't For Bad Service, He'd Have No Service At All

In our continuing saga of getting The Pony's workplace broken ankle treated, and acquiring his rightful benefits...

The good news is, Tuesday The Pony saw that his pay had been entered into the online system.

The bad news is, the amount was only for one week. He's been off work for four weeks.

Anyhoo... the amount was what his official letter had informed him. Pay for 35 hours per week. Which is fine, since The Pony is not guaranteed any amount of hours as a CCA. He'd been working 50 hours some weeks, but 28 one week. So overall, it seems a fair deal, if you look back at all 10-11 weeks he'd been employed, and took the averages.

The Pony is not happy that he's been off for so long, and his pay just went in. I think payday is this upcoming Friday, or the next. I reminded him it took twice this long to get his pay and reimbursed expenses from training. There will probably have to be a grievance filed to sort out his back pay for the early weeks. But there IS an official process to do so.

At least The Pony is no longer in limbo, wondering if his paperwork got filed. Now the question is whether it got filed correctly...


River said...

Well at least he is in the system now, so there should be no more excuses whenever he has to contact them about anything.
I'll keep my fingers crossed anyway, since "the system" isn't all it should be.

Hillbilly Mom said...

At least The Pony's bank account isn't growing a long white beard any more, waiting for a direct deposit! Yes, this recent development means that his claim is indeed active now, and not sitting on a desk with incomplete paperwork with which nobody cares to follow through.