Thursday, August 26, 2021

WOW-er Grapes

Yes. This tale is literally about GRAPES. It's not a bait-and-switch title. Not a clever euphemism for something else. It concerns actual grapes. I haven't been able to find my nightly oranges. The source seems to have dried up. The last couple of bags were not good. Not the weird little tangerine thingies, nor the navel oranges with more skin that fruit. Tough, not juicy. So I switched to grapes.

For a while, we had both green grapes, which were labeled Cotton Candy Grapes, and red grapes. Farmer H likes the green grapes. They're not bad. After reading their name, I DID detect a hint of cotton candy flavor. The Pony did not.

The red grapes are my favorite. Sweet, with a snap when you bite into them. They've been particularly good lately. The bunch I got last week at Country Mart were exceptional.
Look at the size of that grape!!! It's bigger than a quarter! That's my lucky scratching quarter voluntarily posing, for scale reference.

Those grapes are almost as big as plums! I take three bites to eat one. I'm not taking a chance on choking, down in my lair, unable to scream, due to a plum-sized grape lodged in my throat. Unable to give myself the Heimlich over the back of my rolly chair, because it would roll away!

Those grapes are so big, I could eat them with a knife and fork, like Mr. Pitt and his candy bar. [That's a Seinfeld reference, River.]

I hope Save A Lot has some of them. I was just in Country Mart today, and forgot to look. I still have a little bunch left for Thursday, but I'll have my eyes open for them Friday at Save A Lot.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

I like grapes, but they have to be good and tasty. I am over-run with peaches right now. I got almost three bushels from one tree! Normally I would freeze some, but losing my freezer and thoughts of moving prevent that. Make 4 loaves of peach bread last night. It was really good, but just how much peach bread is likely to be consumed by two people? i gave away three loaves and I have given away over half the peaches. Now I want some grapes!!

Sioux Roslawski said...

I guess those grapes are so good, you're not going to take them back to the grocer and ask for a refund?

River said...

Hah! I have eaten candy bars with a knife and fork, usually the very sticky ones, I'll cut them into slices then eat those slices with a fork so I don't get my keyboard all sticky. I have been known to eat watermelon chunks with a fork too.
I love grapes and am waiting for the crop to appear in our stores. I got all excited last week to see grapes, but the label read "from USA" so I didn't buy any. I buy local produce as much as possible and I can wait for my grapes.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Mmm...peaches. Maybe I should get some peaches along with the grapes when I head to the store tomorrow. My grandpa used to have peach trees and cherry trees, but the cherries were sour, and the peaches were small, with an occasional wormhole. The grocery store has spoiled me for fruit, but NOT for tomatoes and watermelons and corn. They were best right out of my other grandpa's garden! I guess the zucchini were good, too, but it was harder to give away. Grandma's zucchini bread is something I really miss.

No. I am keeping my grapes, and I am NOT setting off a flea bomb to ruin my sense of taste. I am also not going to eat Junior Mints while in the balcony of the operating theater, nor nibble on a 60-year-old royal wedding cake, and replace it with an Entennmann's.

I guess you fell for that candy bar trend, without even seeing it on Seinfeld! I always eat my watermelon with a fork. I'm not sticking my face in it and spitting out the seeds. Even a Hillbilly has limits! I put the slice on a plate, and stab out pieces with a fork. My mom used to put SALT on her watermelon! That is just wrong.

I doubt my grapes came from the USA, heh, heh. We probably imported them while paying our grape farmers 1.5 times what they were worth, NOT to grow them!