Friday, August 27, 2021

You Don't Know What You've Got 'Til It's Gone (Because The Pony Ate It)

Remember when I showed you those giant jars of minced garlic I found in Country Mart? And then I actually BOUGHT ONE a couple months later?

I took this picture in November of 2020. It wasn't long after that I bought one, because The Pony requested it when the small jars ran out. Just a couple weeks ago, I saw this minced garlic on the shelves of Country Mart, no longer in a bin at the end of the onion shelf, but on the condiments aisle between the giant jugs of vinegar, and the pickle jars.

Wednesday, I went to Country Mart for the express purpose of acquiring a giant jar of minced garlic. I eschewed Save A Lot, where there were other things I wanted, because they don't have the giant jars of minced garlic.


I had the child-seat of my cart/walker full of other things on my list, but I couldn't find that minced garlic. I looked in the produce section, all around the onions. TWICE. Then I looked by the pickle shelves. I continued up that aisle, looking on the other side, around the pasta sauces and shaker jars of parmesan. I even went up the aisle with Chinese and Mexican foods. As a last resort, I went to the other end of the store, in the pizza-making supplies. Because whenever I can't find something, it turns up there. Like the Velveeta cheese! Don't ask me why. Only a psycho would put Velveeta cheese on a pizza!

Still. No minced garlic. Not even a small jar. At the checkout, I asked the generally unpleasant man cashier. He's a prissy high-horse-riding type. Acts like cashiering is beneath him. This is the nicest he's ever been to me. So I ventured the question.

"Do you know what aisle has minced garlic?"

"Uh. No. Donna? Do you know where the garlic is?"

"You used to have big jars of minced garlic. Like mayonnaise jars."

"That would be in produce. By the onions."

"I looked there. And in condiments and Italian and Chinese. I didn't see it anywhere."

"Well, that was a special purchase. So I guess we're out of it."

Sweet Gummi Mary! If I'd only known that, I would have bought two more jars that day I saw it had been moved to the shelves!

I hope the vampires haven't gotten wind of this. At least until I have time to buy a small jar for The Pony. I can smell it from the garage when I come home, after he's made himself a meal.


River said...

Those jars don't look particularly large, what weight is in them? My daughter K buys the big one kilo jars, which is 2.2 pounds and uses three or four of them per year.
Next time you see them, I'd suggest buying several since they don't go bad until they've been opened and exposed to air. and only then if they get left unused, which is not likely to happen with The Pony around.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I don't know the weight. I looked it up last time, but now I've thrown away the jar. I bought two small glass jars today, each about 1/5 this amount, for $2.99 apiece! The Pony is going to have to start bankrolling his garlic addiction.

Sioux Roslawski said...

At our house, that would be a time to panic. I can't cook without garlic. I guess that might be why I have so few friends... ;)

Sioux Roslawski said...

And of course, a little Joni is always good...

Hillbilly Mom said...

The Pony will be your friend! You might even become 3rd Bestie!

Sioux 2,
Thank the Gummi Mary, The Pony did not put up a parking lot in the Mansion kitchen, after eating all the minced garlic.