Sunday, August 22, 2021

Quirks Gonna Quirk

The Pony had a good day with 2nd Bestie. They met in town, and proceeded to drop by Pony House, then on to Steak N Shake. After which they spent time catching up, watching assorted videos on their devices.
Let the record show that The Pony took 2nd Bestie one of Farmer H's auction candy bars. You know, the ones in the wrapper that said "Have a Meowy Christmas." I'm pretty sure 2nd Bestie did not look askance at it, even with this being late August...
The Pony also took her a bag of spicy snack mix that we did not like. I bought it for The Pony right after he broke his ankle, but he declared it not really his thing. I tried it. Too spicy for me. I think the name on it was Southwest Spice Mix. It had nuts and pretzels and cracker thingies. Farmer H gave it a try, and said it didn't really have much taste, and he was fine without it. So... rather than waste it, I said:
"You might want to give that snack mix to 2nd Bestie. I'm pretty sure she won't mind that it's already opened. At least it's in a bag, and not rolling around on the floor of your car."
"Yeah. She might like it."
Before you gasp at the horror of giving somebody USED snack mix, let me remind you that 2nd Bestie gifted US with those pumpkin-imprinted sugar cookies, carried in a plastic nut container, back in late January. I hope our snack mix does not upset her delicate constitution, seeing as how it is NOT YET EXPIRED.
"Did 2nd Bestie like the snack mix?"
"She looked at it, and said, 'Hm. This looks like the snack mix my mom and dad eat.' So I'm pretty sure they'll like it. She put it in her purse. With the candy bar I gave her."
"The candy bar! I bet it's a melted mess! It was so hot today."
"Well, she left her purse in my car, and I had the air conditioning on most of the time."
"How did she like your house? Did you go walk around it and try to look in?"
"No. We just drove by. She said, 'It looks like a $23,000 house. I guess some paint might help it.' So she liked it."
Those two are equally matched in quirkiness, I think.


River said...

They are matched alright. They could be twins from different parents. Cosmic twins.

Sioux Roslawski said...

Yes, they must be, if The Pony thinks that what 2nd Bestie said was complimentary...

Hillbilly Mom said...

I'd say The Pony was 1/3 of a set of cosmic triplets, but Bestie and 2nd Bestie don't have much in common. The Pony has certain attributes that match each of them, though. I guess he could be considered a "Jack of all Quirks."

I know, right? They have a different way of looking at the world. And making their way through the world. A certain bluntness, no offense meant, or taken.