Saturday, August 14, 2021

Tales From The Stall: When It Pains, It Sores

This Pony tale is hush-hush! Don't go repeating it to your nosy neighbor or town crier. It involves The Pony's place of employment, which we certainly don't want to jeopardize, what with a $23,000 house hanging in the balance.

Thursday, when interrogated on whether he needed to be doing anything to get his continuation of pay started continuing (it's only been a month since his unfortunate ankle-breakage), The Pony said it was all up to his superiors to get that entered into the system now. Farmer H is always asking about the OTHER ankle-breaker, wondering if her benefits have kicked in ahead of The Pony's. So far, they have not, except for getting a real doctor's appointment right after her break.

Anyhoo... Farmer H heard at the barber shop that a guy he knows has a wife who works a regular route here in Hillmomba, who broker her arm recently. And is getting the runaround on her benefits as well. I think it must be standard policy to drag it out. Think of all the interest that can be accrued nationwide if pay is stalled for all the injured! Not that banks are paying much interest these days, but on a large scale, it could amount to something. Anyhoo... that's just my theory.

However, The Pony had a tidbit of information since we last quizzed him on the topic. A sad tidbit. 

"Oh, Mom. That other lady with the ankle? When she went in to sign the papers to get that advance on her pay until they get it put in... I guess she had to go upstairs to the manager's office. Maybe he has to sign off on it. Remember how I told you about those stairs? Well, when Breaker was leaving, she FELL on those steps, and hurt a toe on her good foot. I guess she'll ask the doctor about it. She has an appointment tomorrow."

That's adding insult (and injury!) to injury. Poor gal. The Pony told me shortly after his own breakage that he knew he couldn't walk up those steps on crutches to talk to anyone, because they were so steep and creepy. I secretly thought he was being overly cautious. Looks like he was just stating the facts. That staircase must be like something out of a horror movie. Hazardous to the health of two employees who broke their ankles just walking along the street...


River said...

I would think that manager would show a bit of common sense and bring the paperwork downstairs to be signed instead of having injured people climb up and get re-injured or more injured.
Perhaps it's his way of weeding out the truly injured and the fakers?
I'll keep my fingers crossed for the pay continuation.

Hillbilly Mom said...

The Pony should eventually get that pay. At least he's living here for free, and has the time. It may take a grievance through the union to get it. His mileage and hotel reimbursement for training took almost two months to show up, and also had to be adjusted because his hours were short.

This was the manager of the whole facility, a man, and is probably not used to people making such requests of him. The Pony asked the acting manager to send his paperwork to the front counter, and she came down when he had a question.