Friday, December 2, 2022

Not Exactly Boosting My Deli Confidence

Early in the week, I was waiting in line at the lottery machine in Country Mart when one of the deli cooks walked by. He's the guy who gives me special deals when the counter is running out of something. The guy who has carried my stuff across the store when it's ready, rather than having me walk back to get it. A super nice guy, one who fries the chicken. He was on his way out to gather carts. They all help out when that's needed, whether they work at the service desk or cashier or deli. He's a friendly guy, and always speaks to me.

"Hey! How was your Thanksgiving?"

"It was good! The turkey breast I got here turned out just right. Did YOU have to cook?"

"Me? No! Nobody wants THAT!"

"Oh. Well. I guess it's good that you got out of it."

"My dad does the cooking. He's really good."

Such an odd encounter. The COOK from the deli, telling me that nobody wants him to cook!


River said...

I took it as HIM not wanting to have to cook for Thanksgiving, since he cooks all day at the Deli. Either way, it's nice his dad cooks.

Hillbilly Mom said...

That's not the impression I got from his mannerisms. Maybe they were afraid he would fry the turkey like chicken! Though it IS good chicken. Maybe his dad smoked the turkey. Men around here love their grills and smokers.