Thursday, February 15, 2024

Farmer H Does It Again

The Pony arrived shortly after 3:00 on Super Bowl Sunday. We were chatting when Farmer H came in the kitchen door at 3:20. He handed me a card, then sat down at the cutting block to try a sample of The Pony's Cinnamon Apple Haze wine.

We got rid of Farmer H pretty quick once we started setting out the pans and assorted frozen foods for warming. The evening was a good time for all. The Pony left at 7:40 to head home, having volunteered to work the next day, though he had originally scheduled it for a vacation day.

I sat down at HIPPIE at the kitchen table. I thought I heard something at the back door. THEN IT OPENED, and Scarlett came running in. She sat at my feet. Just sat. No jumping or pawing. Sat like a good girl, gazing into my eyes with relief as I petted her. Then Jack trotted in. He never comes in the house unless invited. The Pony stood at the door.

"I had stopped at the side porch to pet Jack before I left. Then I heard something in the garage. I opened the door, and Scarlett ran out! She was closed in there!"

"NOOO! That means she'd been in there for 4 1/2 hours! Since Dad came home from his Storage Unit Store!"

"What? What did I do now?"

"You closed Scarlett in the garage!"

"Oh, well."

"She ADORES you! And you've shut her up in the BARn. Almost strangled her with the cable wrapped around the Gator tire. Let her chase your truck all the way down to the mailboxes. And now you close her up in the garage!"

"Nobody would have found her until Monday morning! I'm glad I stopped to pet Jack!"

"This dog is shaking. She's so traumatized she's just SITTING here at my feet. Not looking for YOU. Not acting wild."

"I guess she went in there and hid behind the Acadia when I got your card."

"HID behind the Acadia??? Yeah, right. Like she would get six inches away from you. She's always on your heels. You probably slammed that garage door right in her face when you went out."

Scarlett does not ADORE me, yet I always have to watch her as I leave for town, because when I go out the kitchen door, she circles around behind me, and I'm afraid she's trying to get in the house, and I might slam her in the door.

Farmer H needs to be more aware of his special pet.

There's a bit more to the tale of Scarlett's Unfortunate Enclosation...


River said...

I'm happy The Pony found her and happy that she sat at your feet gazing at you with relief. I'm happy that Scarlett did NOT run straight to farmer H.

Hillbilly Mom said...

YES! Because then Farmer H went on to blame the victim!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Poor Scarlett, she is like the women who choose abusers over and over again!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

That is the perfect description of Scarlett! Unless you also add that she seems to be hooked on cocaine or other stimulants.