Thursday, February 1, 2024

I Sure Don't Remember This Problem A Few Years Back

I'm starting to think the end is near. The stupidity of people these days is mindboggling! Once again, I've had to stop people from suiciding themselves under T-Hoe's wheels. TWO in two days!

Monday, I was backing out from a parking space up against the front of the Liquor Store. Of course I looked before I backed out. Nothing coming in either entrance/exit. Nothing parked in my way. I was halfway out when a black sedan came in the side street entrance by the stoplight. I was clearly backing up, but he kept coming. I had to jam on my brakes. He whipped past T-Hoe's right rear bumper, then veered into a parking space. Like that could not have waited until I stopped backing and went forward to go out the other entrance/exit.

Tuesday, I was leaving a handicap space in front of 10Box. I checked all three mirrors. Nothing coming either way. No people coming out of the store, no people coming from the parking spaces behind me in the main lot. I checked the mirrors again. Backed slowly. YIKES! A man came up from T-Hoe's left rear bumper area, on his way to the store door. He had been RIGHT BEHIND ME! Had come from my blind spot on the right rear, as I was backing, and gone across my path. I could have squashed him!

This is quite concerning. I am not a psychic when it comes to pedestrians at T-Hoe's rear! Surely we had more common sense back in the day! We knew that if a vehicle was in motion, we should STOP AND WAIT until our path was clear. NOT keep going into the area where that vehicle was rolling.

Some people are just too stupid to live! But I don't want to be the one to unalive them.


River said...

Perhaps you need to sound your horn when backing out so people have some warning they are about to be flattened.

Hillbilly Mom said...

If they can't see a giant rolling T-Hoe, then they need to stay out of parking lots! When those backup lights are on, any non-fool knows that the vehicle is in reverse, and backing is imminent or in progress. I would never walk behind a car with backup lights on. Even when driving T-Hoe, I stop and wait to see what they're doing.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I wouldn't mind if I had the back up sounds big trucks have. People are so self involved they think everyne should just get out of their way.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I wouldn't mind if I had the WORKING backup beeper that came with T-Hoe. The one that tells me if something is behind me. It hasn't worked for many years now. Even though I've told Farmer H that it needs to be fixed. Of course he drives A-Cad with the backup camera that shows what's in his path.