Sunday, February 25, 2024

Her ADORATION Knows No Bounds

I think blog buddy Kathy might be right with her comment a few posts ago that Scarlett is like a woman who keeps going back to her abuser! Our adopted dog Scarlett ADORES Farmer H so much that she cannot quit him.

A few days ago, Farmer H arrived home as I was leaving for town. Let the record show that the dogs and I have our departure routine. We do not need the interference help from Farmer H. I toss my daily banana peel over the porch rail. The dogs hear the kitchen door open, and the plop of the peel. They rush to greet me. I have a small treat in hand for each of them. I toss it onto the side porch as I descend the steps.

Jack eats his treat while Scarlett is mouthing hers, trying to ascertain if it is, indeed, food. I'm pretty sure she was never given table scraps in her former life trapped inside a wire kennel 12 or more hours per day. Jack comes to the steps, and puts his digging paws on the hand rail. When I get to the bottom, I sweet-talk him and pet him for a few minutes. Scarlett keeps her distance. She knows that HER petting will be when I get back.

Farmer H had parked T-Hoe, and came to sit on the side porch. That made Scarlett hyper after her treat. She was wiggly and reaching a paw to me as I went down the steps. Of course Farmer H thought he was in control of The Universe, and scolded her. "NO! Scarlett NO!" 

Scarlett sidled up against the object of her ADORATION while still reaching a paw towards me. Farmer H looped his right arm over her neck. Essentially trapping Scarlett in a headlock. She endured it. Her eyes did reflect her eventual confusion. "Daddy why you do this to me?" Such a lady. She did not snarl or claw. Only tried to back her way out of the clinch.

"Stop! Let her go! She's fine. I don't want you to give her an ear hematoma like poor Juno."

Farmer H was not the cause of Juno's ear hematoma. It was from shaking her head when the five Mailbox Row cats got ear mites, and shared them with Juno. But still, she had the fat ear, which eventually crinkled and was not the same.

Farmer H released Scarlett. She stood on the side porch, not longer pawing at me. But still shooting imaginary cartoon hearts from her eyes towards Farmer H.


Kathy's Klothesline said...

Toni Louise does the same thing. When HeWho wants a dog to sit in his lap, he will hold them down like a four legged prisoner. Toni allows this, but Bo will snap at him. Eddie will let it go for a very short time, then bark until he is set free to come sit with me, his true mistress. Bo has no particular person, but I would say he prefers me when it gets right down to it.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Juno was always leery of Farmer H. Of course, he DID yell at her to be still when he put the flea and tick drops between her shoulders. I usually had to go out and sweet-talker her, and hug her to allow him access. Jack permits the meds, but will weasel his way loose of any prolonged squeezings.

River said...

I think holding around the neck is a bad idea, Farmer H is lucky she doesn't snap at him. She is a good natured dog.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Scarlett really is a sweet good-natured dog. Just hyper. Farmer H had his arm over her shoulders, putting her in a headlock. All she did was wiggle and squirm to get away. Scarlett ADORES Farmer H, you know. Had she gotten loose, I'm sure she would have come right back to his lap for more headlocking!