Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Label Is In The Mind Of The Beholder

Last week, Farmer H won some treats at Senior Center bingo. He shared some of it with me, taking out granola bars, a tin of cookies, and a marshmallow Santa. I gave the box of Fruity Pebbles cereal, and the Hot Cocoa Ball, to The Pony, but kept the two boxes of Thin Mints.

I had merely glanced into the bag. I set out the Thin Mints on the counter. Anybody around here knows that Thin Mints are a delicious Girl Scout Cookie, a dark wafer covered with mint-flavored chocolate. Mmm! Save A Lot has a generic version that is also just as tasty. I have not had any for over a year. They're just not on my radar when I go shopping.

Anyhoo... I was waiting until just the right time to crack open one of those boxes and enjoy a Thin Mint or two. That time came on Monday evening, when I was preparing to watch the premiere of Deal or No Deal Island. I opened the tubish box and slid out the tray. Took three cookies with me to the short couch, and sat down to munch.


Those were NOT cookies!!! They were MINTS! Can you believe it? MINTS, in a box marked THIN MINTS! Sweet Gummi Mary! How dare that company mislead me into thinking there were COOKIES inside that box!

I guess maybe the Girl Scouts should rethink their branding and call their product Thin Mint Cookies. Though when you buy Girl Scout Cookies, you do kind of assume they will be cookies.

I can't believe I was bamboozled into thinking I had two delicious boxes of cookies. Wishful thinking, I suppose.

I guess my first clue before biting in should have been that this produce was more thick than thin. And was tiny, barely bigger than a quarter. They're not bad, for being just a mint. Kind of like an oversized Junior Mint, with a not-as-shiny, more melty chocolate coating.

I will still consume them. Probably even offer some to Farmer H...


Rae said...

Oh, dear - what a trick they pulled on you, although, I can see why you thought they were thin mint cookies. I love me some thin mint cookies, but I also love Junior Mints and York Peppermint patties and I would give anything for a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream, right now. Husband asked what kind of Girl Scout cookies I wanted, and I said none, but a friend's daughter is selling them, so he is going to purchase a couple of boxes. Of course, one of my choices were the thin mint cookies. I told him he could get whatever he wanted, but the mint ones are all mine. I wonder how bad they've been hit with shrinkflation? Ranee (MN)

Hillbilly Mom said...

Now that we're retired, nobody tries to sell us Girl Scout cookies any more. Thin Mints were always at the top of my list. Then that chewy coconut-flavored kind with chocolate on the bottom.

I LOVE mint chip ice cream! Another thing I haven't thought about buying lately. The last time we had it, Farmer H left me just enough to half-fill the bottom of an ice cream cone!

I gave him one of these Thin Mints, and Farmer H said, "They're really minty." They are. I would compare them to a fat York Peppermint Patty.

River said...

The picture on the box should have given you a clue, they look a lot like the tiny mint patties that used to be available here for a few cents each. I used to buy five dollars worth and keep them in the fridge, much cheaper than a box of proper After Dinner Mints which I do still buy now and again, though they are rarely seen in supermarkets these days.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, in a perfect world where I am perfect, there would have been no confusion. I could have sat upon my throne, feeding those Thin Mints to my pet unicorn, careful not to get chocolate upon his pristine hide. Which would have been a much better blog story.

I originally glanced down into the plastic bag Farmer H presented me, and saw two boxes labeled Thin Mints, tossed all willy-nilly with a box of Fruity Pebbles cereal, and a box containing a Hot Cocoa Ball. I did not have on my glasses, and only skimmed the labels, being more intrigued with what a Hot Cocoa Ball might be. When I took a box of cookies out a night or two later, I did not look at the package, in a hurry to get out three "cookies" and get to the short couch quickly, since my show was starting.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Don't you hate it when you have your taste buds waiting for a delicious treat and then BOOM, you have a different product! Maybe it was your subconcious mind telling you they were cookies. I suppose there is nothing left to do now but buy some cookies!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

My worst experience of this type was at a teacher Thanksgiving potluck, when I thought I was getting a cheesy potato casserole, and it was CREAMED CORN! I despise creamed corn! Yet I couldn't spit it out. I've never forgiven that teacher, a buddy of my best old ex-teaching buddy Mabel, who disguised that dish so that the corn kernels didn't show. Not even in the blob I put on the plate!

When I hear or see THIN MINTS, all I think of is the cookie version. I laid out two of those mints a couple days ago, but my subconscious mind made me forget them on top of the box. They're still waiting for me...