Friday, February 16, 2024

The Perpetrator Blames The Victim

Two days after Scarlett's Unfortunate Enclosation, we were on the way to our new favorite casino. The Pony was in the back seat, and I was trapped beside Farmer H. That's because my knees don't like the back seat, or I would gladly give The Pony the honor of riding shotgun.

We had gone about five miles when talk turned to Scarlett's trauma on Sunday, being closed in the garage for 4 1/2 hours.

"Yeah. And when I backed out to take the car to get gas this morning, I ran over a dog bed and a folding chair that she drug out!"

"What? We don't have a dog bed."

"Well. A cat bed, maybe. I don't know where we got it. Somebody gave it to us."

"Dad. She probably wanted something to lay on that wasn't the cold concrete floor."

"Folding chair? You mean like a lawn chair?"

"No. A metal folding chair. I think I brought it from the locker."

"I don't think Scarlett was planning to sit on a folding chair. She had a bed, you know! It must have been piled where it fell off. It probably scared her."

"She shouldn't have been messing with stuff. That's why I keep the garage doors closed."

"Too bad you closed her INSIDE the closed doors."

"She was hidin' in there."

"I doubt that. Wait! You backed over a metal folding chair? Are the tires okay? I don't want to have a flat and have to sit beside the highway. Did you check the air in the tires before we left?"

"The tires are fine, HM. I checked."

"No you didn't!"

"I drove to town and back, and they were just fine."

Farmer H has no qualms about stating something as truth when he knows it's not.


River said...

Really Farmer H?? EVERYBODY knows to check behind the car before backing out! Tsk Tsk.

Hillbilly Mom said...

A-Cad even has A BACKUP CAMERA!!! A screen right there by the radio controls, that shows what's behind the car when you put it in reverse! T-Hoe doesn't even have a backup beeper (that works), but A-Cad has a fully-functioning backup camera!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

My car has a back-up camera, but HeWho won't look at it, preferring to twist around and look out the back window an complain that the mirrors are dirty! I clean the house and do all the household chores, so I refuse to be shamed into cleaning the car!!

Hillbilly Mom said...

T-Hoe has a backup beeper, but it hasn't worked for at least 10 years! If I had a camera, the Entitled Generation would be much safer on parking lots.

Good for you, refusing to be a car-maid!