Thursday, January 12, 2023

An Unarmed Battle Of Wits

Sweet Gummi Mary! If we had engaged in a battle of wits on Wednesday evening, Farmer H and I would both have been sadly lacking in weaponry!

I asked if he wanted a whiskey and Diet Shasta with lime, and he said yes. So I got it ready before I walked past him to change out of my town clothes. Saved me a trip back to deliver it like a waitress.

After I switched to my raggedy home clothes, and chatted a moment while leaning on the back of the short couch... I returned to the kitchen to make myself some tuna salad for supper. Farmer H was having his Poor Man's Chicken and Dumplings, since he'd skipped a night by going to the auction and eating two hot dogs.

Anyhoo... as I walked into the kitchen, I saw the lime on the kitchen counter!

"Oh, no! I forgot to add the lime to your drink! Do you want me to put it in now?"

"Nah. It's okay."

"Did you even notice that the lime was missing?"

"Not really."

"I can't believe you didn't notice! I even put in the sugar! Almost a whole tablespoon! I thought it seemed like I got that drink ready faster than usual! Did you notice the sugar?"


Seriously. How can you NOT notice that a tart lime is missing, and also NOT notice how sweet the drink it?  Maybe like you don't notice that you've left the lime laying on the counter while you're adding sugar...


River said...

You put sugar in his drinks?? Almost a whole tablespoon? but he's diabetic. How big is the drink? A normal sized solo cup would still be too small for that much sugar surely?

Hillbilly Mom said...

Only when I put lime juice in the drink. Heh, heh! Or when I THINK I PUT LIME JUICE IN HIS DRINK! It's a Solo cup. It wasn't a whole tablespoon. Maybe 1/2 to 3/4. The scooper I use is a tablespoon, and I shake some in, then return the rest with the scooper into the sugar canister. It's still way less sugar than he sneaks in his clandestine cookies, or daily donuts, or candy bar every time he gets gas. Technically, I don't think he's supposed to have alcohol, either...

Kathy's Klothesline said...

When The Patient was a heavy smoker, he couldn't distinguish taste. Couldn't say what was missing or had been added. Today he actually ate a decent amount of food for maybe a 9 year old. He requested mac and cheese and green beans and ate a serving (small) of each. Afer all the days of not eating, I was so proud!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I'm also proud! HeWho reminds me of someone...