Saturday, January 21, 2023

I'm Pretty Sure We've Broached This Topic Before

Farmer H is trying to kill me! I'm pretty sure...

Thursday night, I told him there was still a piece of cheesecake in the freezer, left from Christmas dinner. I'd like to think he left it because he wanted me to have my share, but more likely he forgot. I'm not a big fan of cheesecake, which I'm reminded of every time I eat it. So I figured Farmer H might as well enjoy it.

Friday afternoon, as I was scraping out the crumbs to wash the Chex Mix pans, I tried to rearrange the items in the wastebasket to fit more in. Farmer H had jammed the clear plastic lid from the cheesecake tray in between some paper plates. In moving it, 


Right on the top of my thumbertip! You know how you feel the slice, and then wait for the blood to appear? It was like that. A papercut made by plastic. I got a paper towel to blot it. Then I had to apply a bandaid over the top, one sticky part on the thumbernail, one sticky part on the fleshy thumb pad. Holding it out of the water while washing those pans was not an easy task.

Nor is typing with a bandaid on my thumbertip...


River said...

I'm pretty sure that was an accident and not a deliberate attempt. I've had a few "paper" cuts myself lately, they always seem to sting worse than a deeper cut.

Hillbilly Mom said...

That's likely what Farmer H would tell the judge! Mine pulled apart this morning after I took off the bandaid. It was like slicing it all over again!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

Paper cuts are awful! They never hurt so bad as when you are tying to sleep and they start counting your pulse!

Hillbilly Mom said...

NO! It is 11:15 p.m., not near my bedtime yet, but I don't want that thought in my thumb when I try to fall asleep. I pulled it open again trying to pry the velcro loose on a new elastic wrap I had wound around my leg.