Saturday, January 14, 2023

Judge The Cover, Misread The Book

I was surprised to have a young girl hold the door open for me at the Gas Station Chicken Store on Friday. She looked about 11 years old, a tiny blond gal doing a good deed. As I stepped inside, I moved back to let her pay first. After all, she would have been ahead of me if she hadn't held the door.

Blondie stepped up to the counter and said, 

"I have ten dollars for Pump 4."

"Okay. Do you want the red gas tickets?"

"Yes, please and thank you."

Blondie moved to the left to look at some merchandise on the counter while the cashier was tearing off the gas raffle tickets. Then she stepped back to take them and put them in the box. After she went out the door, the cashier said,

"She stole a Chapstick last time she was in here. So I had my eye on her."

"Oh! Here I was thinking what a polite young girl she is! She held the door open for me."


"So I guess she's not TOTALLY irredeemable."

"Maybe not."

Not sure why I am thinking of that movie The Bad Seed.


River said...

I remember that movie, I saw it late one night when I was quite young, such an evil little girl. The remake was on TV a few years back and I saw the beginning but it wasn't ever going to be as good as the original so I changed channels.
at least you got the door held open for you, so this young girl can't be too bad.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes. I hope she realizes she doesn't need smooth lips to hold the door open for the elderly!

I love "The Bad Seed!" I have a DVD of it. I like when the handyman tells her they have a pink electric chair for little girls, and a blue electric chair for little boys. He's the only one onto her evilness, but look where that gets him!

River said...

You've got the original?? I'll have to see if I can find a copy.

Hillbilly Mom said...

Yes, the 1956 version with Patty McCormack as Rhoda Penmark. I love the way it's filmed like a stage play. And also the theme music. Poor Claude Dagle and his award-worthy penmanship...

Kathy's Klothesline said...

She is slick, that one!

Hillbilly Mom said...

I wonder if she's been watching the late-night reruns of Leave It to Beaver, and is channeling Eddie Haskell.