Monday, January 9, 2023

Farmer H, The Horner-Inner

Can Mrs. HM have nothing to call her own??? Why must Farmer H horn in on everything she loves? Either forbidding her to enjoy her special activities, or belittling them, or taking them over for his own purposes! 

Oh, the things I have given up! I used to take one evening a week to take my mom out for dinner. But that was too taxing for him to "watch" his own children. So the opportunity eventually petered out. 

I liked reading, but Farmer H decreed that I spent too much time with my nose in a book. I walked around the yard and barn field, but that meant I was a fanatic about exercise. 

I watched Rams football every Sunday, but that was time I should have been cooking or cleaning or entertaining the boys, while Farmer H was out riding around on his first Gator-thing that he bought himself one Christmas.

I played Trivia on a team with work colleagues about once every couple of months, but that lasted too late on a Saturday night, and Farmer H had to get the boys bathed and in bed.

Let the record show that all my activities were not taking place concurrently. Farmer H would show his displeasure with one, and a couple months later I would try another. 

NOW Farmer H has taken over my scratching!!! 

At Christmas, Farmer H got a couple of winning tickets. They've been on his dresser for weeks. Saturday, he tossed them at me and said, "Might as well cash these in and get me more tickets before I forget about them."

Farmer H knows darn well that he's a loser! He is perfectly capable of cashing in and buying his own scratchers. He's bought them before. LOSERS!

Anyhoo... I took the $10 winner to town with me, and got him two $5 tickets. They both lost. No. That didn't make me happy. I like to see people win. 

Sunday, I took the $20 winner. Farmer H said he wanted four $5 tickets. I picked them out just for him. It's not like I just bought a bunch and then sorted through and decreed some would go to him. No. I consciously decided which tickets to get him, and from where.

THREE of his four tickets were winners! A $15 winner, another $15 winner, and a $10 winner! So for his $20 winner that I cashed in, Farmer H won $40! Now he wants me to cash THOSE in and get him more tickets. He is riding my coattails to success!

I'd be madder, but I also had a good scratcher day, winning $73. Which included a $30 and $10 winner on my $3 tickets...


Kathy's Klothesline said...

Smart to send you out to pick! He knows he won't win without your specila touch.

River said...

I remember the few times I dared to go out and leave K in charge. Each time I came home to a wrecked kitchen and living room with the kids still up and running around. HE was watching TV while the kids fetched his beers from the fridge. Never again.

Hillbilly Mom said...

So true! But he could be cutting into MY wins!

Hillbilly Mom said...

Farmer H tells the story (proudly) of when his old wife left him alone with toddlers HOS and The (future) Veteran. He duct-taped the diaper on The (f) Veteran because it was poopy and drooping. Then The (f) Veteran was caught stabbing a butcher knife into the back of the couch while Farmer H and some buddies were having a brew and watching TV.