Thursday, January 19, 2023

It Could Have Been Much Worse...

Farmer H took The Pony out for lunch on Tuesday. He had a gift card for a local Mexican restaurant that he'd been trying to use. Turns out he's still trying to use it. They went to Captain D's instead. That was The Pony's choice. Farmer H was okay with it. He had shrimp and broccoli and okra. The Pony had fish and fries and breadsticks.

The Pony's three-day weekend ended soon enough. Wednesday dawned dark and dreary, with downpouring rain and temps around 40. At noon, The Pony sent me a text:

"Today's going Not-Great! Something about my leftovers or the cheese I added to them seems to have given me an explosive problem. In the poop stomach."

"Oh no!"

"It's not fun to have to go to a gas station bathroom like, once an hour, while working."

"At least you have the gas stations!"

Hope it wasn't the origami burrito. And really glad The Pony didn't have Mexican food with Farmer H. 


Kathy's Klothesline said...

I hate public facilities!!

River said...

Cheese usually has a more binding effect, so maybe it was the fish. I hope it doesn't last too long.

Hillbilly Mom said...

So does The Pony. He will even hold his fluids like a camel. But what the poop stomach wants, the poop stomach gets. At least The Pony doesn't have a rural route and resort to bushes.

It probably WAS the fish. The crispy batter is kind of greasy, and Farmer H said The Pony had a 3-piece dinner. He usually gets double fries for his sides.