Sunday, January 15, 2023

Feelin' Rhyme-y, It's So Timely, I'm A Satisfied Lime-y

 ... I got my discount, now it's done.

A few days ago I told the tale of being cheated out of $.50 when I bought limes that were marked 3-for-a-dollar. The dang cashier charged me $1.50!

Saturday, I was back at Country Mart. Mainly for bananas, but of course I found a lot more to put in my cart/walker. I had french onion dip that was on sale, store-brand chips, baby dills and pickle spears, a $4.99 chicken dinner from the deli, pepper jack cheese slices, and another attempt at the limes. I was prepared with my schpiel when I got to the register.

"I'm not complaining... but really I AM. These limes are marked 3-for-a-dollar. Last time I was here, they got rang up for $1.50. And my receipt said LARGE limes, 3 at $.50. There's only one size lime. It wasn't YOU who rang me up. And it might be a problem programmed into your system. Just saying, your sign lists them as 3-for-a-dollar, and if they're not, I don't want them."

"Oh. I'll check on that for you."

She looked at the sticker on the limes, and punched in the code. Then she did a bunch of other stuff, including looking at a little chart that I suppose is for the young cashiers, showing PICTURES of each type of produce, and telling their name! Anyhoo... by the time she finished, she said,

"There's a way around that! I fixed it for you."

I thanked her and paid. Didn't peruse the receipt right there. Told her,

"All this for fifty cents!"

When I got back to T-Hoe, I saw that she had rung up a charge of $1.00, which was listed as "Grocery Dept." Looks like they DID have it programmed wrong. I'm not so sure it's an accident...


River said...

Sounds to me like it isn't an accident either, if she has to enter it under "grocery item", like someone hasn't updated the computers hoping no one will notice. Try again next week and see if it is still the same.

Hillbilly Mom said...

I will, as long as they haven't hoisted the price back to an outrageous amount!

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I wonder just how many people are over charged and never even notice it!

Hillbilly Mom said...

My mom used to check her receipts. She really went ballistic (for HER) when Save A Lot did not give her the sale price on SLAW! She said they gypped her, and The Pony had to explain why you can't say that in present times. I'm hoping she didn't say it when she went back in and demanded her sale price!